Browse Economics and Money Stories - Page 29

492 results found for Economics and Money
Georgia's Vidalia onions are available to purchase now. To keep their sweet taste around all year long, University of Georgia Cooperative Extension food safety experts say to store them in the freezer. CAES News
Onion Crop
Despite a frigid, rain-filled winter, Vidalia onion farmers expect a good, quality crop this season.
Wheat Rust
University of Georgia Extension agents are often at the front lines when it comes to finding and defending crops from diseases and pests. Andrew Sawyer, an Extension agricultural and natural resources agent in Thomas County, made a timely discovery when he was the first to identify the presence of wheat rust in Georgia in 2013. His finding reduced yield losses on wheat, barley and rye.
There were almost 800,000 acres of peanuts grown in Georgia in 2015. CAES News
Peanut Funding
University of Georgia peanut researchers have been granted $256,280 from the Georgia Peanut Commission to fund various peanut-related research projects in 2015.
A watermelon plant is pictured in a field in Ty Ty, Ga. on Wednesday, April 30. The plant was planted on March 28. CAES News
Watermelon Crop
An abundance of rainfall hurt last year’s watermelon crop in Georgia. This year, late cold snaps stunted the growth of early-planted melons and may cause prices to plummet, say University of Georgia Extension experts.
SARE Grant
Adding nitrogen to fertilize their crop is a substantial expense corn farmers have to consider when calculating their bottom line. A University of Georgia scientist hopes to help lower that cost by planting clover and corn together.
Cotton Irrigation App
A new smartphone app developed by University of Georgia and University of Florida researchers will help cotton farmers in their states save one of nature’s most precious resources — water.
Scab disease in peaches thrives during a wet growing season. CAES News
Peach Scab
Last summer’s abnormally wet conditions could have caused serious problems for the state’s peach crop, but thanks to University of Georgia researchers, scab disease issues were prevented.
Cotton is dumped into a trailer at the Gibbs Farm in Tifton on Wednesday, Oct. 30, 2013. CAES News
Farm Bill
U.S. Farm Bill education will be the focus of an upcoming series of meetings coordinated by University of Georgia agricultural economists.
A crowd browses the Trial Gardens at UGA at an industry open house earlier this summer. The gardens are expected to be in full bloom for the public open house on July 9. CAES News
Plantapalooza 2014
The Trial Gardens at the University of Georgia, the State Botanical Garden of Georgia and the UGA Horticulture Club will team up to host Northeast Georgia’s premier plant sale on April 5.
As of Aug. 1, Professor Jeffrey Dorfman is serving as the state fiscal economist of Georgia. CAES News
Student-balanced Budget
Non-essential agencies of the federal government were shut down in October 2013 because politicians could not agree on how to fund them. Although balancing the federal budget may seem difficult, a University of Georgia economics professor taught his students how to do so in just one semester.