Browse Lawn and Garden Stories - Page 22

992 results found for Lawn and Garden
Poblano peppers growing. CAES News
Poblano Pepper
Juan Carlos Diaz-Perez, University of Georgia vegetable horticulturist, encourages Georgia vegetable producers to consider planting poblano peppers.
Native azaleas typically have tubular flowers with long stamens that extend beyond their petals. University of Georgia scientist Carol Robacker is studying many of the native azaleas that grow in the Piedmont region to determine which ones are adapted to Georgia. CAES News
Native Azaleas
Georgians are accustomed to evergreen azaleas, but native azaleas are currently growing in popularity. Unlike evergreen azaleas, native azaleas lose their leaves in the fall, grow tall and airy rather than low and dense, and bloom in the spring and summer.
Noelle Fuller, the UGArden Medicinal Herb Program coordinator and head herbalist, shows her interns how to propagate a horsetail plant. They cut pieces off already existing plants, and place them in water, to create new plants for their plant sale in May. CAES News
UGArden's Herb Garden
The UGArden medicinal herb garden is just a few rows of a field at the edge of the University of Georgia’s student-run farm, UGArden. But it’s become a refuge for students who want to learn about the benefits of medicinal plants and escape from stress.
Termites feed on pieces of wood in garden soil. CAES News
Pest Control Training
The University of Georgia Griffin Campus is hosting two intensive commercial Integrated Pest Management (IPM) training programs this spring, including a 1.5-day workshop on termite control and a 10-week Urban Pest Management Program course that will run from April to June.
Burrweed develops opposite, sparsely hairy leaves that are divided into numerous segments and small, inconspicuous flowers, in addition to the spine-tipped burrs found in the leaf axils. When treated with herbicides in January, February and March, lawn burrweed can be effectively controlled. CAES News
Lawn Burrweed
Stepping on the spiny seed head of a lawn burrweed while running barefoot in the yard is a sure sign of summer. If you want to save your feet some pain, now is the time to treat your lawn, according to University of Georgia Cooperative Extension agents.
Photos of seeds available at a recent seed swap at the State Botanical Garden of Georgia. CAES News
Seed Swap
Gardeners in search of new vegetable and flower varieties to test this spring, or those with a surplus of seeds, should consider attending Rock Eagle 4-H Center’s annual seed swap. The Rock Eagle 4-H Center in Eatonton, Georgia, will host this year’s seed swap on Saturday, March 17, as part of the Saturday @ the Rock event series.
Whether you are searching for pelleted seed, unique vegetables or hard-to-find flowers, seed catalogs are full of every kind of seed a gardener could imagine. CAES News
Seed Shopping
It may be too cold to plant seeds, but it's perfect weather for snuggling up in a fluffy blanket with a large mug of coffee and some seed catalogs. Seed catalogs are a great place to find new varieties to experiment with when planning next season’s garden. Knobby pumpkins, feathery foliage, mini-cabbages and unusually colored vegetables are just a few of the unusual seeds you might choose.
Black-eyed Susans win the 2011 gold medal for annuals. The happy flowers do well in large groupings or in the center of flowerbeds. CAES News
Flower Gardens
If you didn’t get the flowers you were hoping for this Valentine’s Day, there’s one way to ensure that you’ll never go without: Grow your own. University of Georgia Cooperative Extension has many resources to help you create a cut-flower garden that can provide you with a gorgeous pick-me-up bouquet, whether it’s Valentine’s Day or any other day.
Flower Gardens
Cultivating a cut-flower garden in the backyard not only adds beauty to the kitchen table but also to the landscape. Here are a few flowers that thrive in Georgia's climate and make great flowers to display in vases.
Pink roses bloom on a rose bush at the University of Georgia Research and Education Garden in Griffin, Georgia. Roses come in a plethora of colors now, not just the traditional red. CAES News
Homegrown Roses
On Valentine’s Day, the demand for cut flowers, especially for roses, is high. This year, Keith Fielder, University of Georgia Cooperative Extension agent and rose grower, suggests giving a rose plant along with those fresh cut roses so your sweetheart can enjoy roses almost year-round.