Browse Lawn Maintenance Stories - Page 12

167 results found for Lawn Maintenance
A redbud tree (cercis spp.) blooms during springtime on the UGA Griffin Campus CAES News
Planting new additions
If you are planning to add to new plant material to your landscape, University of Georgia Cooperative Extension specialists recommend keeping a few things in mind before you dig your first shovel-full of dirt.
Henbit - weed often found in turfgrass lawns CAES News
Weed removal
The majority of weeds that are growing this time of year are called winter annual weeds. Weeds that are actively growing in lawns and pastures include henbit, chickweed, wild radish, buttercup, hop clover and catchweed bedstraw.
Freshly ground woodchips CAES News
Natural landscaping
Many homeowners desire a low-maintenance landscape, but don’t know how to achieve that goal. Following these recommendations from University of Georgia Cooperative Extension will help you create an easy-to-maintain, beautiful landscape.
A push lawn mower CAES News
Recycle lawn clippings
Recycling is all the rage, from aluminum cans and newspapers to plastic bottles and bags. But did you know that you can recycle in your lawn? Rather than throwing away bagged grass clippings, put your yard waste to use. This environmentally friendly method of organic gardening is called “grasscycling.”
A push lawn mower CAES News
Turfgrass battle plan
Are you dreaming of lush, green grass for your lawn? There are several steps you can take now, in the cold of winter, to help you enjoy a beautiful lawn in the summer.
Atlanta Mission clients graduate from Super Crew Program CAES News
Returning to the workforce
Finding a job in today’s economy is tough. Being homeless and recovering from an addiction makes it even harder. A new partnership between University of Georgia Cooperative Extension and the Atlanta Mission is helping homeless men at the mission take the next step in returning to society -- getting jobs.
Rolls of freshly harvested sod CAES News
Sodded lawns
A lush sodded-turfgrass lawn can be the envy of the neighborhood, but people who want to install sod lawns next year can expect to pay more, according to a Georgia Urban Ag Council ancillary survey.
Althea blooms in the University of Georgia Research and Education Garden in Griffin, Ga. CAES News
Landscape color class
Commercial landscapers, and novices, too, will learn how to add color to landscapes at the All About Color workshop set for Friday, Nov. 11 on the University of Georgia campus in Griffin, Ga.
From bids to equipment
A workshop for professional landscapers is set for Oct. 21 on the University of Georgia campus in Griffin, Ga.
Close up image of large patch disease on zoysiagrass CAES News
Fall turf diseases
September 23 is the first day of fall, heralding in cooler temperatures that slow the growth of the grass and prepares it to go dormant for the winter. It is also a favorable time for turf diseases to develop. If you had problems with large patch or take-all patch in the spring, you will likely deal with them again in the fall.