Browse Economics and Money Stories - Page 46

492 results found for Economics and Money
GAEMN weather station on the Stripling Irrigation Park in Camilla, Ga. CAES News
Closing station would be detrimental
Farmers rely on the most up-to-date local weather information to make the best decisions on when to plant or make other decisions for their crops. Without that knowledge, they can lose money, says a University of Georgia economist.
Go Green
Going green can do more than preserve the environment, says a University of Georgia financial expert. It can save you a lot of money, too.
Headshot of Jeff Dorfman....2004 CAES News
Rising from recession
The recession ended in spring/summer 2009, but who can tell? The U.S. government hasn’t officially declared the recession over, but graphs put out by the Federal Reserve Board clearly show the recession ended last summer. While the recession is almost surely over for economists, most people are sure they are still in it.
Children eat mangoes and stare at UGA agricultural experts working in a field near Los Palis, Haiti, March 16. CAES News
Haiti agriculture
In the shadow of a rundown block building in Los Palis, Haiti, children wearing tattered clothes bit into half-ripened mangoes they picked from the ground and wondered about the strange men toiling around in the field.
Paul Wigley, a University of Georgia Cooperative Extension coordinator in Calhoun County, talks to farmer Drew Collins on Jan. 28, 2010 in Morgan, Ga. CAES News
Hands-on research
University of Georgia research isn’t done just by professors in laboratories in Athens, Ga. It’s also conducted in fields, orchards and gardens statewide by UGA Cooperative Extension agents, who look to solve problems for the people in their counties.
Environmental Stewardship winner 2010 Earl Barrrs. Award presented by Chuck Leavell and Gov. Sonny Perdue. Also pictured Wanda Barrs. CAES News
Good Stewards
Chuck Leavell, the Deen Brothers and Gov. Sonny Perdue were on hand March 16 for the 7th annual Georgia Agriculture Day, the traditional kick-off of Georgia Agriculture Awareness Week, which runs March 15-19. During the event, Leavell and Georgia Gov. Sonny Perdue recognized the regional winners of the Governor’s Environmental Stewardship Award given annually to farmers who do an exceptional job protecting their land and promoting environmental practices in agriculture. The Deen Brothers, Jamie and Bobby, announced the winners of the 2010 Flavor of Georgia contest.
Grill Honey, made by Savannah Bee Company, was named Grand Champion at the 2010 Flavor of Georgia Food Product Contest. Diana Smirl accepts the award on behalf of Savannah Bee Company from Gov. Sonny Perdue and culinary experts Jamie Deen (left) and Bobby Deen. CAES News
Flavor Winners
As a young boy, Ted Dennard learned the art of beekeeping. Today, he uses his passion for honey to earn a living. He’s the founder of Savannah Bee Company, which sells pure, raw honey and honey products. His Grill Honey took top prize in the annual Flavor of Georgia Food Product Contest Tuesday in Atlanta.
Food business workshop
Have you always wanted to market a family heirloom recipe or a new creation from your own kitchen? If so, a one-day workshop at the University of Georgia may teach you how to make your culinary dreams come true.
Wicked winter
This winter was unusually cold and wet across Georgia, causing the heating demand for buildings to soar.
Tax deadline is April 15. UGA Extension offers help to citizens filing returns. CAES News
Tax Help
The April 15 tax deadline is nearing, and many people have already filed their returns for free with help from the University of Georgia Cooperative Extension. And they received some financial education during the process.