Browse Lawn and Garden Stories - Page 13

992 results found for Lawn and Garden
Soil sample bags await processing at the University of Georgia Soil Testing Laboratory in Athens, Ga. CAES News
Last Minute Gifts
The gift of knowledge is one that any farmer or gardener can truly appreciate. Research is continually finding new and better ways to deal with the challenges farmers and gardeners face and University of Georgia Cooperative Extension publications document those recommendations.
Members of UGA's Tau chapter of Pi Alpha Xi Horticultural Honor Society will host their annual poinsettia sale on Dec. 7 from 8 am. to 4 p.m. at Greenhouse 13 at the UGA Riverbend Greenhouse at 111 Riverbend Road. CAES News
Poinsettia Sale
It’s beginning to look a lot like Christmas at UGA’s Riverbend Greenhouse Complex.
Air Plant, Tillandsia CAES News
Plant Gift
There are plenty of options for the perfect gift when giving a plant and University of Georgia Cooperative Extension has plenty of tips to make sure your gift is the right one. Whether it be a college student or a hard-to-buy-for friend, a house plant may be the perfect answer to any gift-buying predicament.
The Coastal Georgia Botanical Gardens at the Historic Bamboo Farm grows and maintains more than 100 species of bamboo. Many of these plants came from Asia because the climate zones are similar to the gardens'. CAES News
Centennial Garden
The Coastal Georgia Botanical Gardens at the Historic Bamboo Farm celebrates 100 years of service this year. Over the past five years, the gardens have improved and expanded with the addition of the Andrews Visitors Center and the Alan and Sandi Beals Bamboo Maze.
Several fall-blooming native aster plants (Aster spp.) are perfect for Monarch butterflies.  They do not need milkweed (Ascelpias spp.), their larval host plant, at this time of the year, but be sure to include milkweed in your summer butterfly garden. CAES News
Monarch Butterflies
The time of the year has come when Georgians look to the sky to watch for signs of Monarch butterfly migration. These butterflies are on their way to the Sierra Madre of Mexico to overwinter on the oyamel fir trees of the area.
Bob Westerfield, UGA Extension consumer horticulturist, demonstrates a pruning technique during a class held on the UGA campus in Griffin, Georgia. CAES News
Fall Gardening
As summer finally winds down, so do a lot of landscape plants. With a break from the 90-degree heat, it’s time to get ready for winter.
Insufficient production and storage of photosynthates during the fall transition into dormancy can translate to issues during spring green-up. Drought-stressed turfgrass in August 2016 (left) was able to recover prior to dormancy following appreciable rainfall in September (right). Much of Georgia's turfgrass is currently drought-stressed, and the transition to dormancy is quickly approaching. CAES News
Fall Lawns
Summer 2019 delivered hot, dry weather with sporadic rainfall. With fall approaching, now is the time to adjust your turfgrass management program to promote a smooth transition into dormancy and green-up next spring.
Fayette County UGA Extension Coordinator Kim Toal, Georgia Commissioner of Public Health Kathleen E. Toomey, Fayette County School Nutrition Director Kokeeta Wilder, Georgia Early Care and Learning Commissioner Amy Jacobs, Georgia Organics Board Chairman Joe Reynolds, and UGA Extension County Operations Director Michael J. Martin celebrate Fayette County Public Schools' Outstanding Extension Farm to School Program Award at Georgia Organics 2019 Golden Radish Awards in Atlanta. CAES News
Golden Radish
Over the past two decades, Fayette County lost about 40% of its farmland. Many residents have lost their connection to agriculture and have little understanding about where their food comes from.
Endless summer hydrangea CAES News
Wilted Plants
Plants with big leaves are often the first to get a little droopy in the hotter part of the day. It’s very tempting to water wilted plants at the end of the day, but late afternoon is not the best time.
Kendall Busher, a CAES horticulture student at the UGA College of Agricultural and Environmental Sciences, leads a tour of the UGA Campus Arboretum, which is spread across campus. Busher created a web-based walking tour of the arboretum for the UGA Office of Sustainability. CAES News
Campus Arboretum
Usually, visitors to the University of Georgia associate trips to the Athens campus with the hedges and ball fields, but UGA horticulture student Kendall Busher wants them to consider the trees.