Browse Lawn and Garden Stories - Page 80

992 results found for Lawn and Garden
Mistletoe grows on a pear tree in Butts County, Ga. CAES News
Mistletoe = parasite
Mistletoe is often used postmortem to lure unsuspecting sweethearts to a Christmastime kiss. For the other 364 days of the year, it is actually considered an infectious parasite that kills trees.
Engraver beetles leave pin-sized holds in the bark of pine trees when they exit the tree. CAES News
Pine bark beetles
Pine bark beetles can be the death of pines in forests and home landscapes.
Atlanta Mission clients graduate from Super Crew Program CAES News
Returning to the workforce
Finding a job in today’s economy is tough. Being homeless and recovering from an addiction makes it even harder. A new partnership between University of Georgia Cooperative Extension and the Atlanta Mission is helping homeless men at the mission take the next step in returning to society -- getting jobs.
Consider size when adding crape myrtles to your landscape. CAES News
Tree planting time
Arbor Day isn’t until February, but now is the ideal time to add new trees to your landscape.
Fall is not the best time to prune most trees and shrubs. It is best to wait until late winter, around February or early March. CAES News
Postpone pruning
As the days get shorter and plants go dormant for winter, many homeowners become anxious to prune their landscapes. For most trees and shrubs, pruning in the fall isn’t the best time.
Rolls of freshly harvested sod CAES News
Sodded lawns
A lush sodded-turfgrass lawn can be the envy of the neighborhood, but people who want to install sod lawns next year can expect to pay more, according to a Georgia Urban Ag Council ancillary survey.
Christmas may highlight the winter calendar for many Georgians - complete with lights, decorations and a tree - but it's not the only holiday celebrated this winter. CAES News
Live Christmas trees
Many families, mine included, select and decorate their Christmas tree on the weekend after Thanksgiving. Live Christmas trees have been brought into homes and decorated during the holiday season for more than 500 years. The attractiveness, fragrance and tradition of a live tree cannot be matched with artificial substitutes.
Yellow leaves on a tree in the fall of the year CAES News
Leaves = future compost
As winter approaches, leaves turn from green to gold, bronze, red, orange, brown, yellow and crimson. Deciduous trees and shrubs will soon shred their leaves and home landscapers will have to decide what to do with all the fallen leaves.
Althea blooms in the University of Georgia Research and Education Garden in Griffin, Ga. CAES News
Landscape color class
Commercial landscapers, and novices, too, will learn how to add color to landscapes at the All About Color workshop set for Friday, Nov. 11 on the University of Georgia campus in Griffin, Ga.
Pansies come in a wide variety of colors - and shades, like this tricolor variety that has two colors along with its face color. CAES News
Happy faces bloom in the winter
Pansies are excellent plants to incorporate into your landscape to add color and beauty during the winter months. There are more than 300 cultivars of pansies with an array of colors.