News Stories - Page 66

Bidens growing at the Unversity of Georgia campus in Tifton as part of a SARE trail researching cover crops as beneficial companion plants. CAES News
Detering tomato spotted wilt virus
U.S. Department of Agriculture-sponsored research at the University of Georgia campus in Tifton is looking into the potential of using a cover crop system to improve soil and prevent tomato spotted wilt virus.
Beekeeper Jim Quick collects a hive of bees that have gathered on a gas pipe on the University of Georgia campus in Griffin, Ga. CAES News
Beekeeping 101
Jim Quick, who will teach a beekeeping workshop in Griffin Sept. 20, has been dabbling in beekeeping for the past 32 years.
A bed bug fills with blood as it feeds on a human arm. CAES News
Bed bugs from school
Just when parents thought head lice were the only insects to invade classrooms, bed bugs have been added to the list. Hotels are typically the place that comes to mind when bedbugs are mentioned, but the critters like book bags, too.
UGA Forage Extension Specialist Dennis Hancock talks about interplanting alfalfa in a bermudagrass pasture at the 2012 Sunbelt Ag Expo Field Day. CAES News
Field Day showcases the very latest in seeds, technology and UGA brainpower
On July 12, trams full of farmers, business administrators and reporters toured trial plots at the Sunbelt Ag Expo Field Day, where University of Georgia agricultural experts discussed the latest scientific research for South Georgia.
Sod harvesting equipment CAES News
Turfgrass field day
Whether you're a golf course superintendent or a homeowner in search of the perfect lawn, you’ll find the information you need at the University of Georgia Turfgrass Field Day set for Aug. 1 in Griffin, Ga.
Spider mites feed on a soybean leaf CAES News
Spider mites
When it’s summertime in Georgia, hot and dry weather will cause stress to most plants. These conditions also help create another problem – spider mite damage.