Browse Economics and Money Stories - Page 48

487 results found for Economics and Money
Screen shot of Turfgrass Management iPhone application. Developed by Patrick McCullough July 2009. CAES News
Turfgrass Management
What is the coolest thing about the iPhone? Its applications. The phone can convert international currency, find a nearby five-star restaurant, help park your car and do much more. Thanks to some University of Georgia experts it now can help turfgrass managers diagnose and remedy turf problems.
Leyland Cypress trees growing on a Christmas Tree Farm in Nicholson, GA. 7 G's Tree Farm. 
11-11-09 CAES News
Christmas Tree
Many Georgians remember hiking into nearby woods as children to chop down that most iconic of all holiday decorations: the family Christmas tree. These days, a suitable one is less likely found in the backyard. But the experience can still be found, along with that perfect tree, among the acreage at a choose-and-cut tree farm.
Calceolaria, or pocketbook plant, gets its name from the shape of its flowers. While it grows wild in Chile, the best place to find it in the U.S. is in a florist's shop. CAES News
Give plants
UGA horticulturist Paul Thomas likes to give flowering plants as gifts. A deep basket filled with a few pots of colored calla lilies or a basket with a cluster of cyclamen topped with white or silver grass “makes a stunning gift,” he said.
This is a ornamental pepper plant, pulled off of Bugwood 11/12/09. CAES News
From nasty to poisonous
University of Georgia horticulturalist Paul Thomas can’t think of any common gift plants that are necessarily poisonous -- most of the poisonous plants are those cut for Christmas decorations. He can, however, think of one that will light a child’s or pet’s mouth on fire.
An early-maturing pecan variety called Pawnee is harvested in an orchard in Crisp County, Georgia. CAES News
Pecans 'on'
A pecan-loving disease enjoyed Georgia’s wet summer weather and is now blamed for cutting what was expected to be a large crop, says a University of Georgia pecan specialist. But farmers still expect to have an “on” year.
Irrigation system working in a field. CAES News
Farm-water forecast
A recent University of Georgia report shows that Georgia farmers will need 20 percent more water to grow their crops in the next four decades. They’ll need it to meet increased food demand and to compete globally.
Cut tobacco
Volatile spring weather and diseases have left Georgia’s tobacco crop hurting, as farmers prepare to harvest what could be their worst yields in decades, says a University of Georgia tobacco specialist.
Reuse your water
“Most of our water demand could be supplied by harvested rainwater,” said Frank Henning, a former watershed agent with UGA Cooperative Extension. “It would be a win-win-win development. Rainwater harvesting can improve water conservation, reduce storm water problems and reduce the need to construct expensive reservoirs.”
Salmonella and peanuts
For the second time in two years, a nationwide outbreak of salmonellosis has been tied to peanut products. This time, more than 570 people have been sickened and more than 1,700 products have been taken off supermarket shelves so far, in what is now the largest food-related recall in the country’s history.
Economic engine
When the numbers are totaled, food and fiber production are the dominate drivers of Georgia’s economic engine, according to a report by the University of Georgia.