Browse Environment Stories - Page 55

676 results found for Environment
A row of pines at the Westbrook Research Farm on the UGA campus in Griffin, Georgia. CAES News
Agroforestry and Wildlife Field Day
Land is a valuable resource and provides immense benefits to humans and to wildlife. Landowners, farmers or sportsmen who wish to increase the value and benefits of the land they own, hunt or manage should make plans to attend the 2012 Agroforestry and Wildlife Field Day on Thursday, Sept. 20, 2012 at the University of Georgia campus in Griffin, Ga.
Student working at UGA's organic demonstration farm at the Durham Horticulture Farm, at 1221 Hog Mountain Road in Watkinsville. CAES News
UGA Organic
Farmers, gardeners and anyone who wants to know more about where their food comes from should make plans to attend the inaugural Organic Twilight Tour of the University of Georgia’s organic research and demonstration farm in Watkinsville, Ga.
UGA soil scientists Leticia Sonon and David Kissel recently traveled to Haiti to help set up a soil-testing lab and to teach several teachers and school officials how use the equipment.
Haitian agriculture expert Eddy-Jean Etienne, far left in front, traveled to Athens in March to train with Kissel and Sonon, so that he could help supervise the lab. CAES News
Haiti Soil Lab
The new soil-testing lab at the Zanmi Agricol Learning Center Fritz Lafontant in Corporant, Haiti isn’t sophisticated.B but it works, and that’s enough to change the lives of many Haitian farmers.
Tomato leaves can curl in response to environmental stresses, like lack of water, or as a symptom of a disease, like tomato leaf curl virus, shown here. CAES News
Tomato leaf roll
University of Georgia Cooperative Extension agents, like myself, are getting several phone calls about the leaves on homegrown tomato plants curling and rolling inward. Curling or rolling of tomato leaves can be caused by various factors including environmental stresses, a virus or herbicide damage.
A group of students enjoys canoeing on the lake at Rock Eagle 4-H Center in Eatonton, Ga. CAES News
Paddling time
Spend Saturday, July 21, canoeing the lake at Rock Eagle 4-H Center in Eatonton, Ga., during the center’s monthly Saturday at the Rock event.
Container garden including several different plants CAES News
Hot weather stress
When the temperatures reach triple digits, we hear plenty on the news about how to take care of our pets and ourselves, but not much about our plants. Recent record temperatures can obliterate our lawns and ornamentals in just a few hours if these plants are already under stress for other reasons.
Areas of north Georgia affected by Tropical Storm Debby in June 2012 CAES News
June weather
In spite of record-setting high temperatures at the end of the month, June was slightly cooler than normal in Georgia. Rainfall across the state varied greatly as Tropical Storm Debby dumped more than 10 inches on the southern half, but left north Georgia dry.
A crowd browses the Trial Gardens at UGA at an industry open house earlier this summer. The gardens are expected to be in full bloom for the public open house on July 9. CAES News
Trial gardens
Over the last three decades, the Trial Gardens at the University of Georgia have introduced home gardeners and landscape designers to thousands of new plant varieties.
Lawn being fertilized CAES News
Water Smarter
A beautiful lawn needs water. However, with another dry summer looming, that water may be in short supply — whether it comes from the sky or the sprinkler.
Kudzu flower CAES News
Weed control 101
Ralph Waldo Emerson defined a weed as “a plant whose virtues have not yet been discovered.” To a serious gardener, a weed can be nothing less than the bane of his or her existence. University of Georgia Cooperative Extension horticulturist Bob Westerfield says the best way to control weeds is to get to them early.