Browse Food Stories - Page 11

174 results found for Food
Judges in the preliminary round of the University of Georgia's Flavor of Georgia Food Product Development Contest have chosen 33 products from around Georgia to compete in the final round of the competition. CAES News
Flavor of Georgia Finalists
Judges selected 33 products to compete in the final round of the University of Georgia’s 2018 Flavor of Georgia Food Product Contest in Atlanta set for March 20. The contest is the state’s premier proving ground for small, upstart food companies as well as time-tested products. This year’s finalists represent all corners of the state and the best of Georgia’s diverse culinary heritage.
Sabrina Beasley, a UGA Extension Fulton Fresh participant, inspects a  bunch of  bok choy during a Fulton Fresh supermarket tour this winter. CAES News
Food Retail Revolution
A second food retail revolution, unlike the first, which was spearheaded by new entrants, is being led by existing industry leaders. For this reason, in addition to lessons learned from the many failures so far, the second-generation revolution is likely to succeed.
To keep raw beef from contaminating other purchases, place it inside one of the plastic bags found hanging near most meat counters. Ask the cashier or bagger to place raw meat items together, not with other items. This helps keep the risk of cross-contamination low. CAES News
Turkey or Beef?
Turkey burgers, turkey meatballs, turkey tacos and other dishes made with ground turkey are popping up on restaurant menus, food blogs and in cookbooks as seemingly healthy alternatives to their beef counterparts. But is turkey recommended over beef and other red meats? Is turkey always the best choice?
Propane-fired turkey fryers on display in a sporting goods store in Macon, Georgia. CAES News
Fried Turkeys
Frying a holiday turkey may sound like fun, but it can be tricky. Here are a few tips from University of Georgia experts to help make sure your bird is thoroughly cooked and your holiday doesn't include a trip to the emergency room or a call to the fire department.
For a less stressful holiday, prepare and freeze holiday meals and treats in advance. Freezing prepared foods allows you the satisfaction of serving homemade meals with the convenience of store-bought ones, says University of Georgia Professor and Extension Food Safety Specialist Elizabeth Andress. CAES News
Holiday Meals
Picture yourself stress-free during the holidays because you prepared and froze holiday meals and treats in advance. Freezing prepared foods allows you the satisfaction of homemade meals with the convenience of store-bought ones.
Judges in the preliminary round of the University of Georgia's Flavor of Georgia Food Product Development Contest have chosen 33 products from around Georgia to compete in the final round of the competition. CAES News
Flavor of Georgia 2018
What’s better than reaching into your pantry or refrigerator and pulling out a delicious product that’s made in your state? The University of Georgia's Flavor of Georgia Food Product Contest helps to highlight the state's burgeoning food product scene with its annual competition.
The UGA New Faculty Tour made a stop at the UGA Tifton campus on Thursday, Aug. 10, 2017. CAES News
New Faculty Tour
Agriculture — Georgia’s top industry — was featured prominently this week at stops on the University of Georgia Griffin and Tifton campuses during the university’s annual New Faculty Tour.
Cindee Sweda is the Family and Consumer Sciences agent for University of Georgia Cooperative Extension in Spalding County, Georgia. CAES News
Spalding FACS Agent
For the past 20 years, Spalding County has been without a University of Georgia Extension Family and Consumer Sciences (FACS) agent. Sweda filled that gap last December when she joined the local Extension staff. Wade Hutcheson, coordinator of the Spalding County Extension office, said the position was eliminated during a time period when the state was undergoing drastic budget cuts.
This month, Michael Doyle retired from his position as director of the Center for Food Safety on the UGA Griffin campus. CAES News
Doyle Retires
Twenty-six years ago, the University of Georgia hired Mike Doyle to create and lead a research center focused on detecting, controlling and eliminating foodborne pathogens in America’s food supply. This month, Doyle retired from his position as director of the world-renowned Center for Food Safety on the UGA Griffin campus.
Henk den Bakker is a food scientist with the University of Georgia Center for Food Safety, located on the UGA Griffin Campus. He received his master's degree in systematic biology, with a specialty in mycology and botany, from Leiden University in the Netherlands. His doctorate degree in mycology is from the National Herbarium of the Netherlands at Leiden University. He is a member of the American Society for Microbiology and the Genetics Society of America. CAES News
Food Safety Bioinformatics
Food safety research usually involves analyzing live populations of foodborne pathogens like Salmonella, Listeria and E. coli, but University of Georgia food scientist Henk den Bakker fights pathogens by developing computer software.