Browse Food Stories - Page 4

174 results found for Food
Foodborne botulism can be prevented with proper canning techniques and equipment that prevent contamination, according to UGA Extension food safety specialist Carla Schwan. CAES News
Canning Precautions
As home canning season approaches, a University of Georgia food safety expert stressed the need for proper precautions to avoid foodborne illness. A recent death in Washington state was attributed to botulism, a toxin that is a byproduct of the heat-resistant spores of a bacterium called Clostridium botulinum that likely originated from a home-canned food.
Indian   NA Group Photo (1) CAES News
International Association for Food Protection
Researchers from the University of Georgia’s Center for Food Safety and Department of Food Science and Technology are expanding their global networks to increase the safety of the global food supply in the U.S. and abroad. 
Choosing eggs in the supermarket can get complicated once you decide what size you want. CAES News
Decoding Your Eggs
Take a gander at the egg case at your local grocery and you are likely to find a variety of labels that go far beyond medium, large, extra-large or jumbo.
Hart Dairy FoG grand prize (2) CAES News
2022 Flavor of Georgia Winners
Hart Dairy won the grand prize at the 2022 Flavor of Georgia food contest for their Pasture Raised & Grass Fed 365 Days Per Year Chocolate Whole Milk. Hart Dairy is an ethically driven dairy company based in Waynesboro, Georgia, led by Tim Connell and Richard Watson. Their cows are pasture raised, never confined and grass fed 365 days a year.
PoultryScienceResearch chicks CAES News
Precision Poultry
The University of Georgia College of Agricultural and Environmental Sciences will host the second annual Georgia Precision Poultry Farming Conference via Zoom May 3. The $40 registration fee is waived for students, but registration — open until May 1 — is required for all participants.
While specialty beef that is grass-fed, pasture-raised or organic also commands higher prices, Fluharty explained that marketing is key to success. CAES News
Prime Choice
Rising prices may induce consumer ire, but some meat-eaters are willing to fork over the cash for high-quality beef. Rising food costs continue to attract negative attention from consumers around the country due to supply chain issues and inflation, but consumer demand for top-quality beef is on pace with a greater supply of higher-quality meat being produced by the beef industry.
sepia den bakker CAES News
Sepia Software
Researchers from the University of Georgia’s Center for Food Safety have developed software that functions as an important step in improving the accuracy of DNA sequence analysis when testing for microbial contamination.
Angelos Deltsidis is an assistant professor with the College of Agricultural and Environmental Sciences' horticulture department. (Photo by Dorothy Kozlowski/UGA) CAES News
Reducing Food Waste
When Angelos Deltsidis isn’t in the lab or in the field, he can usually be found on the road or trail, putting in miles on a long run through nature. But his runs aren’t simply spent enjoying the greenery—he is also focusing on what the plants produce, how they do it and gathering research ideas. He is finding inspiration.
Meat and seafood products are prepared for judges to sample during the first round UGA’s Flavor of Georgia Food Product Contest. CAES News
2022 Flavor of Georgia
Blueberry barbecue sauce. Gunpowder finishing salt. Fig bourbon jam. Pecan-peanut butter. These are a few of the unique flavors from every corner of Georgia that have vied for top prizes in past Flavor of Georgia contests. Now registration is open to hopeful contestants for the 2022 Flavor of Georgia contest to be held April 21 in Athens.
Carla Schwan has been hired as an assistant professor and Extension specialist in food safety and home food preservation in the University Georgia’s College of Family and Consumer Sciences, beginning January 2022. CAES News
Food Preservation Lead
Carla Schwan has been hired as an assistant professor and University of Georgia Cooperative Extension specialist in food safety and home food preservation in UGA’s College of Family and Consumer Sciences. She is slated to get started January 2022.