Browse Industry Stories - Page 6

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Student working at UGA's organic demonstration farm at the Durham Horticulture Farm, at 1221 Hog Mountain Road in Watkinsville. CAES News
Organic Twilight Tour
UGA organic and sustainable agriculture experts will host the second annual Organic Twilight Tour on July 11 at the College of Agricultural and Environmental Sciences organic research farm in Watkinsville.
Dr. Allan Armitage, author and UGA horticulturalist, Introduces gardeners to this year's must have plants at the Trial Gardens at the University of Georgia's annual Plantapalooza plant sale in April. CAES News
Trial Gardens Open House
Friends, fellow plant lovers and groupies are invited to take one last walk around the Garden with Dr. A at the Trial Gardens at UGA’s annual Public Open House on July 13 from 8 a.m. to 1 p.m.
Corn tassels stretch toward the sun in a Spalding County, Ga., garden. CAES News
Organic grain production
There are about 1 million acres of certified organic grain and oil seed fields in the United States, but not many in Georgia. The growing demand for organic grains and seed oils in the southeast could change that. With several new potential mills that can handle organic grain coming on line in Georgia, there are new opportunities to enter this growing market.
Workers at Bland Farms sort Vidalia onions. CAES News
Vidalia Seed Stems
Georgia’s wildly fluctuating temperatures in the first four months of the year played havoc on the state’s signature onion crop.
As of Aug. 1, Professor Jeffrey Dorfman is serving as the state fiscal economist of Georgia. CAES News
Agricultural Economics
University of Georgia economist Jeffrey Dorfman was recently named a fellow of the Agricultural and Applied Economics Association, the top professional association for agricultural and natural resource economists.
Economy boost
Amid news of a still sputtering U.S. economic recovery, a report released this week shows the nation’s agbioscience industries are growing, especially in the South.
Georgia Commissioner of Agriculture Gary Black, Gabon's Minister of Agriculture, Livestock Fisheries and Rural Development, Julien Nkoghe-Bekale and UGA College of Agriculture and Environmental Sciences Dean J. Scott Angle sign an agreement promising future cooperation on agricultural development projects on Nov. 20. CAES News
Gabon partnership
The government of Gabon has tapped Georgia’s agricultural experts to help the central African nation develop a more self-sufficient agricultural system.
Participants view exhibits at the 2010 Southeast Bioenergy Conference at the University of Georgia Tifton Campus Conference Center. CAES News
Alternative energy conference
From wood pellet and biodiesel production or mining landfills for methane to running county patrol cars and busses on everything from propane to peanut oil — Georgia has become a laboratory for testing new energy technologies.
The 2013 Ag to Port Ag Forecast will focus on Georgia's agricultural exports. CAES News
Farm to port
As emerging international markets for Georgia agricultural products continue to grow, Georgia farmers need to be aware of the impacts the global marketplace can have on their bottom line. This year, in recognition of the growing importance of the global marketplace to Georgia farmers, Georgia Department of Economic Development Director of International Trade Kathe Falls will deliver the keynote talks at the 2013 Ag Forecast series. The Farm-to-Port Ag Forecast will be held in locations across the state Jan. 25 to Feb. 1.
Cotton is harvested in Colquitt County, Georgia. Cotton prices for the 2010 crop are around $1.20 per pound, the highest ever. The historic cotton prices aren't expected to last for next year's crop, but they are expected to be good for most Georgia-grown row crops. CAES News
Cotton Harvest
Georgia farmers will wrap up their cotton harvest over the next few weeks, and it looks like it’s going to break records.