Browse Fruit, Vegetable and Ornamental Production Stories - Page 51

630 results found for Fruit, Vegetable and Ornamental Production
A fistful of rich soil from the University of Georgia's J. Phil Campbell Sr. Research and Education Center in Watkinsville, Ga. CAES News
Soil testing is essential
The key to growing prize produce isn’t buying the highest quality transplants, sowing seeds on Good Friday or planting by the signs of the moon. University of Georgia Cooperative Extension experts say the secret’s in the soil.
Onlookers watch as an Air Robot 100B, an unmanned device, is demonstrated Thursday afternoon at the University of Georgia Tifton Campus Conference Center. The demonstration was part of a two-day AUVSI Atlanta Chapter Unmanned Systems in Agriculture Conference. The Air Robot 100B, which is equipped with a video camera, is controlled by David Price (with controller), a senior research technologist at Georgia Tech. It is is designed to aid the military, police or fire department, by reaching a certain height and looking down on something. CAES News
Agricultural technology
Remote-controlled helicopters, unmanned aircraft equipped with imaging sensors; welcome to the future of agriculture.
Winter injury on boxwood turns leaves a brownish-red or bronze color. If your boxwood has winter injury, the leaves should be green by the summer. CAES News
Boxwood blues
If the leaves of the boxwoods in your landscape are turning reddish-brown, your plant is likely suffering from winter injury.
Erick Smith was recently hired by the University of Georgia as a fruit specialist. CAES News
Erick Smith specializes in blueberries
Blueberry expert Erick Smith was recently hired by the University of Georgia College of Agricultural and Environmental Sciences as a fruit specialist for southern Georgia on the Tifton Campus.
Farmers and members of the general public met in Macon on March 20 to view a listening session in Atlanta on the proposed new food safety act. Lee Lancaster, senior compliance specialist with the Georgia Department of Agriculture, is shown explaining how to submit comments to the U.S. Food and Drug Administration. CAES News
Food safety act
Concerned Georgia farmers gathered in Atlanta, Macon and Tifton on Wednesday, March 20 to hear a summary of the U.S. Food and Drug Administration’s new Food Safety Modernization Act. Proposed by Congress, the act was developed in an effort to improve the safety of the nation’s food supply.
Ilex vomitoria, commonly known as Yaupon or Yaupon Holly, is a species of holly that is native to southeastern North America. CAES News
Wet roots
Excessively moist soil is not uncommon in both home and public landscapes. Many shrubs and ornamentals grow poorly and eventually die in these planting sites. Planting a plant that is tolerate to wet and poorly drained soils is the best solution.
UGA Food Science and Technology Professor Ron Pegg is one of three UGA faculty members who will receive the 2013 Richard B. Russell Award for Excellence in Undergraduate Teaching, the university's highest early career teaching honor. CAES News
Ronn Pegg wins top teaching award
Ron Pegg’s students know him as one of the only food science professors to still require his students to use blue books during exams. However, his colleagues have come to know him as an instructor who is breaking new ground in food science instruction at the University of Georgia.
A pair of beets plants are shown on the Lang Farm in Tifton, Ga. CAES News
Beets for biofuels
Beets are producing “sweet” results with researchers at the University of Georgia.
Freshly-picked strawberries CAES News
No fruit yet
The temptation is great to let newly set fruit plants bear fruit the first year, but don’t be give in. Whether they are fruit trees or tiny plants like strawberries, these plants need that first year to become established.
Watemelon and cotton plants grow together in a south Georgia field. CAES News
Melons + cotton
Cantaloupes and cotton might seem like an odd couple but they’re actually proving to be a perfect pair. Planting the two together is proving to reduce planting time and costs while generating the same, if not more, profit for some Georgia farmers.