News Stories - Page 22

Swelling (galls) produced by the root-knot nematode on the roots of okra grown on an organic farm in Georgia. CAES News
Nematode Research
While weeds and plant parasites are a concern for all agricultural producers, organic producers are doubly challenged to combat these problems without chemical solutions. Through a grant from the U.S. Department of Agriculture, a University of Georgia researcher is working to discover and integrate biological products and cover crops to control nematodes and weeds in organic vegetable production.
Ashfaq Sial is leading a multistate team of researchers to develop and implement long-term sustainable strategies to control spotted wing drosophila. CAES News
Fruit Pest Research
The University of Georgia has just been awarded a $5.4 million grant by the U.S. Department of Agriculture's National Institute of Food and Agriculture through the Specialty Crop Research Initiative (SCRI) to develop long-term sustainable methods for controlling the spotted wing drosophila.
Oleander aphids, also called milkweed aphids, commonly appear on milkweed. Remove them using a wet paper towel or sticky tape. CAES News
Milkweed Pests
With the fall migration underway for monarch butterflies through November, gardeners should soon start seeing the colorful creatures on their travels south. It's also time to be on the lookout for pests of common milkweed (Ascelpias tuberosa), the most popular milkweed plant grown in Georgia butterfly gardens.
Yellow jacket encounters spike this time of year. As we spend more time outdoors, yellow jackets and wasps will be seen foraging more often. CAES News
Cool Weather Pests
As the weather cools across the state, several fall insects will begin to take center stage around Georgia homes. Be on the lookout for these nuisance pests and make preparations to deter them from entering your home for the winter.
UGA's College of Agricultural and Environmental Sciences has a fall 2020 undergraduate enrollment of 1,456, and a graduate/professional student enrollment of 624, its highest graduate enrollment to date. CAES News
CAES ranking improves
The University of Georgia College of Agricultural and Environmental Sciences has ranked second on the 2021 list of Best Colleges for Agricultural Sciences in America, up one spot from the 2020 ranking.   
Nick T. Place, an academic leader with a record of applying research-based expertise to the needs of agricultural producers and communities, has been named dean of the UGA College of Agricultural and Environmental Sciences and director of UGA Cooperative Extension and the Agricultural Experiment Stations. CAES News
CAES Dean Named
Nick T. Place, an academic leader with a record of applying research-based expertise to the needs of agricultural producers and communities, has been named dean of the University of Georgia College of Agricultural and Environmental Sciences and director of UGA Cooperative Extension and Agricultural Experiment Stations.