Browse Environment Stories - Page 31

676 results found for Environment
Corn is harvested on the UGA Tifton Campus on August 11, 2016. CAES News
Corn Production
Georgia’s field corn acreage is up and yields should be strong, but prices remain disappointingly low for producers, according to University of Georgia Cooperative Extension weed specialist Eric Prostko.
A field of dryland peanuts in Tift County. CAES News
Dryland Peanuts
University of Georgia Cooperative Extension peanut agronomist Scott Monfort advises Georgia’s peanut growers to take action to protect their dryland crop.
As part of the LepNet project, Joe McHugh, professor of entomology at the UGA College of Agricultural and Environmental Sciences and curator of the arthropod collection at the Georgia Museum of Natural History, will help lead the effort to digitize millions of butterfly and moth specimens now locked away in museum collections across the nation. CAES News
Museum Collection Digitized
Locked in museums across the world, millions of insect specimens tell the story of the world’s climatic shifts, animals on the move and changing fauna.
Parts of north Georgia received between 10 and 15 inches of rain during August. CAES News
August Climate
Rainfall in August reduced the area of extreme drought in northern Georgia. However, abnormally dry conditions and drought expanded in central and south Georgia, especially in coastal areas.
Pictured is the top of a tree destroyed from lightning in Lenox, Georgia. Chunks of wood from the tree were found almost 100 yards away. CAES News
Lightning Strikes
Lightning strikes are unpredictable and deadly. Lightning and floods are the two biggest causes of weather-related fatalities in the country, according to University of Georgia climatologist Pam Knox, who urges Georgians to pay attention to the signs of sudden storms.
Pictured is a comparison between healthy peanuts and those infected with white mold disease. CAES News
White Mold Disease
Harvest time may be less than a month away for many Georgia peanut farmers, but University of Georgia Cooperative Extension plant pathologist Bob Kemerait insists there is still time to treat the crop for white mold disease.
University of Georgia Cooperative Extension turfgrass specialist Clint Waltz was among the UGA experts who presented their research findings at the Turfgrass Research Field Day on Thursday, Aug. 4. Waltz is shown explaining how commonly used products, like insect repellant, sunscreen, cooking oil and powdered Gatorade, can harm a turfgrass lawn. CAES News
Turfgrass Updates
More than 800 people braved the hot August temperatures for a firsthand glimpse of the latest research by University of Georgia scientists at the Turfgrass Research Field Day held Thursday, Aug. 4, on the UGA campus in Griffin, Georgia.
A soil moisture sensor in a cornfield behind NESPAL on the UGA Tifton Campus. CAES News
Sensor Placement
Knowing the best place to install soil moisture sensors in fields, and how many, helps farmers optimize their water use, says University of Georgia Cooperative Extension precision agriculture and irrigation specialist Wes Porter.
This summer has seen the second or third warmest June-July period on record for much of the state. Temperatures ranged from almost 2 to 3.5 degrees above the 1981-2010 average. CAES News
Too Hot, Too Dry
About 65 percent of Georgia is experiencing some level of abnormally dry weather or drought, and there are no signs it will break before October.
As of this week, 2016 has entered the top 10 in terms of years with the most consecutive days over 95 degrees. The hot and dry conditions are starting to take a toll on farmers fields, cattle and homeowners. CAES News
Heat Wave
As of this week, 2016 has entered the top 10 in terms of years with the most consecutive days over 95 degrees.