Browse Environment Stories - Page 33

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Chemigation treatments on cotton in a UGA research trial. CAES News
Pesticide application through center pivot irrigation systems, called “chemigation,” could allow Georgia cotton growers to treat multiple fields while lowering application costs and minimizing exposure to chemicals. University of Georgia entomologist Michael Toews is studying the efficacy of this method.
Using a farm pond as a giant watering dish for cattle may be an easy way to provide livestock with water, but it's not the healthiest. University of Georgia Cooperative Extension experts say this can spread diseases through a herd, affect the fish quality and destroy the stability of the pond's shoreline. CAES News
Pond Water
Many Georgia farmers use their fish ponds as water sources for livestock. A pond located in a pasture is a convenient and dependable source of water for stock, but letting cattle have free access to a pond is not the best decision for the animals, the pond or the fish that live there.
While some parts of the state saw 10 inches more rain than normal during May, northwestern Georgia had more than three inches less rain than the average. CAES News
North Georgia Drought
In May 2016, most of Georgia suffered from a lack of rainfall, while record-setting rain fell in Savannah, Georgia. Drought conditions expanded statewide, and severe drought returned to the northwest corner of Georgia by the end of last month.
Endue Brown, a Sumter County 4-H'er, collects water from an irrigation pivot during a previous 4-H20 camp. CAES News
4-H20 Camp
A blend of fun and education, the Mitchell County 4-H20 day camp is designed to introduce students to the importance of water conservation and irrigation. The three-day camp is held every year, and will include a visit to the University of Georgia C.M. Stripling Irrigation Research Park in Camilla, Georgia, on June 22.
Southern Regional Extension Forestry (SREF), in collaboration with eXtension, an online learning resource for Cooperative Extension System professionals, and the U.S. Department of Agriculture, have launched the Climate Learning Network (CLN) website — a clearinghouse for the most up-to-date climate information for farmers, homeowners, natural resources professionals and Extension personnel. CAES News
Climate Learning Network
Southern Regional Extension Forestry (SREF), in collaboration with eXtension, an online learning resource for Cooperative Extension System professionals, and the U.S. Department of Agriculture, have launched the Climate Learning Network (CLN) website,, as a clearinghouse for the most up-to-date information for farmers, homeowners, natural resources professionals and Extension personnel.
Professor Nick Hill harvests corn from his test plots at the J. Phil Campbell Research and Education Center in Watkinsville, Georgia. CAES News
Corn Boil
The University of Georgia faculty and staff at the J. Phil Campbell Sr. Research and Education Center in Watkinsville will host the center’s annual corn boil and open house on June 28 from 10 a.m. to 1:30 p.m.
Georgia watermelons harvested for delivery. CAES News
Late Watermelons
The late-season market for Georgia watermelons is typically small, but could be critical for some Georgia farmers affected by a recent hailstorm in south Georgia, according to University of Georgia Cooperative Extension vegetable horticulturist Tim Coolong.
An overhead view of variable rate irrigation and soil moisture sensor research at Adam McLendon's farm. CAES News
Variable Rate Irrigation
The combination of soil moisture sensors and variable rate irrigation (VRI) may help some Georgia farmers increase their yields while decreasing their water usage, according to an ongoing study by University of Georgia precision agriculture specialist George Vellidis and irrigation specialist Wes Porter.
Rows of cotton at a farm on the University of Georgia Tifton Campus in 2013. CAES News
Insect Scouting
Georgia farmers and agriculture consultants hoping to refine their scouting skills are invited to this year’s Insect Scout Schools, hosted by University of Georgia Cooperative Extension. The schools will be held in Tifton on Monday, June 13, and in Midville on Tuesday, June 21.
Georgia's April 2016 Precipitation - NOAA CAES News
April Weather
Cool conditions early in April delayed the growth of watermelon seedlings and caused yellowing of some corn plants. Wet fields in the southern half of the state delayed planting and caused problems for corn seedlings and other plants in heavy, wet soils.