News Stories - Page 2

European paper wasp on nest. CAES News
Stinging Biting Insects
As autumn approaches and the stifling heat of summer begins to cool down, spending more time outdoors may be on your radar. But, as Georgia is home to many stinging and biting insects, fall fun can turn into a minefield of discomfort. Elmer Gray, a research entomologist with the University of Georgia College of Agricultural and Environmental Sciences and specialist for UGA Cooperative Extension, shares information on some of the season's most common culprits, urging residents to stay vigilant and take preventive measures.
The Asian tiger mosquito has been recognized among the world's top 100 worst invaders according to the Global Invasive Species Database. It has an aggressive daytime human-biting behavior and can vector many viruses, including dengue fever and West Nile virus. CAES News
Prevent Spread of Dengue
As overnight temperatures increase during the summer, so do mosquito populations, bringing with them the risk of mosquito-borne diseases. In late June, the Centers for Disease Control warned that the U.S. is seeing an increased risk of dengue fever, a sometimes fatal viral disease transmitted by mosquitoes. This disease has been across much of South and Central America and the Caribbean, and with about 1,500 cases, the U.S. Commonwealth of Puerto Rico has declared a public health emergency over dengue.  
"Palmetto bug" is a regional term used to describe several species of cockroaches, including the smokybrown cockroach (Periplaneta fuliginosa). CAES News
Roach or Palmetto Bug
It’s summertime, and there are a few things residents of the Deep South can count on this time of year — heat, humidity and insects. Fireflies and cicadas are popular topics these days, but of all the creeping, crawling, buzzing creatures that bug us, one is met with near-universal revulsion — the cockroach. Whether you’re new to the South or a lifelong resident, you’ve likely run into one of the several species of cockroaches that are common in the region.
iStock 2151999715 CAES News
Firefly Outreach
Georgia is home to at least 50 known species of fireflies, many of which are found in the state's northern counties. In addition to feeding on common garden pests and acting as pollinators, fireflies hold economic value as eager nature lovers seeking a natural light display can boost eco-tourism. To showcase its dedication to preserving these captivating insects, Fannin County made a special proclamation to establish July 2 as Fannin County Firefly Day, coinciding with World Firefly Day and International Firefly Week.
A new study from the USDA Agricultural Research Service and UGA College of Agricultural and Environmental Sciences has found that pearl millet, an annual grass suited for conditions in the Southeast U.S., is a good food source for some pollinators. CAES News
Pearl Millet for Pollinators
Pearl millet, an annual grass used for grain and forage, can be a good food source for honey bees and hover flies, according to a recent study. The U.S. Department of Agriculture Agricultural Research Service and University of Georgia College of Agricultural and Environmental Sciences researchers studied the impact of pearl millet as a source of insect food by surveying insects collecting and consuming the sucrose-rich pollen of this crop.
McHugh on Sapelo May 2024 web CAES News
Ross Memorial Distinguished Professor
For Joseph McHugh, a career as an entomologist was never in question: He became fascinated by insects and their diversity in grade school and his passion never wavered. This year, his internationally recognized leadership in the field he loves was rewarded as he was named the Herbert H. and Jean A. Ross Memorial Distinguished Professor of Insect Systematics and Evolutionary Biology at the University of Georgia College of Agricultural and Environmental Sciences.