News Stories - Page 45

Farmers can get easy access to the latest research-based agriculture advice through a number of mobile apps available from the University of Georgia and other land-grant universities. UGA entomologist Michael Toews helps create these apps and holds workshops to share them with Georgia county agents and growers. Toews is shown (standing) sharing a mobile app with UGA Extension agent Lanier Jordan. CAES News
Ag Apps
Two days a week, University of Georgia researcher Michael Toews searches for and tests mobile apps on his smartphone and works on developing new mobile apps, all in an effort to help Georgia farmers manage their crops more efficiently.
Pictured is David Riley, entomologist on the UGA Tifton Campus. CAES News
Award Winner
David Riley’s work on the effects of cowpea curculio and other insects on vegetables has earned him the 2016 Recognition Award in Entomology from the Southeastern Branch of the Entomological Society of America.
University of Georgia College of Agricultural and Environmental Sciences Dean and Director Sam Pardue - January 2016 CAES News
New Dean Named
Samuel Pardue, a noted poultry science researcher and administrator at North Carolina State University, has been named dean and director of the University of Georgia’s College of Agricultural and Environmental Sciences.
Many Georgians are confusing the common wheel bug, which is beneficial in Georgia gardens, with the kissing bug, which made news earlier this fall. CAES News
Kissing Bugs
Over the last few weeks, many Georgians have focused their attention on the media-hyped coverage of the kissing bug. Much of the sensationalism and worry surrounding this insect boogieman is unwarranted, according to University of Georgia entomologists.
D.W. Brooks Lecture 2015
The key to feeding the world’s growing population this century will be to empower the 2.5 billion people, worldwide, who depend on small farms for their food and livelihood. That answer comes from Sanjaya Rajaram, winner of the 2014 World Food Prize, who spoke to University of Georgia community members gathered at the College of Agricultural and Environmental Sciences' annual D.W. Brooks Lecture on Nov. 10.
Pest Facility
Since the pest control training center opened on the University of Georgia campus in Griffin, Georgia, thousands of pest control operators from across the Southeast have received training. Now the training facility is expanding to allow pest control operators to learn how to control pests in commercial kitchens and schools and pests like bed bugs in bedroom settings.