News Stories - Page 34

Peanut harvest will be delayed this year because of Hurricane Michael and the damage to buying points and shellers in South Georgia. CAES News
Georgia Peanuts
National Peanut Day is September 13. Although Georgia is known as the "Peach State," it is also the No. 1 producer of peanuts in the U.S. Last year, American farmers produced almost 2 million tons of peanuts. The U.S. is ranked third in worldwide peanut production, behind China and India.
Pest control operators across the state and the Southeast attend a variety of workshops offered throughout the year by University of Georgia Cooperative Extension. A major component of these classes is insect identification. CAES News
Pest-free Schools
The school year has begun, and with it, schools are experiencing an influx of dirt, germs and pests. On Aug. 23, the University of Georgia Structural Pest Management Program (SPM) hosted a School Integrated Pest Management (IPM) Workshop intended to help pest control operators that manage schools in Georgia, Alabama, South Carolina and Tennessee.
Field days like this one “serve as a direct conduit between growers, agents and scientists,” says Mark McCann, assistant dean for UGA Cooperative Extension. Field days also allow UGA specialists to share their research and farmers to gain knowledge, all with the benefit of improving Georgia agriculture. CAES News
Field Day
University of Georgia College of Agricultural and Environmental Sciences (CAES) specialists and UGA Cooperative Extension agents hosted a Row Crop Field Day on Aug. 15, 2018, at the Southeast Georgia Research and Education Center in Midville, Georgia. The field day highlighted the facility’s research on Georgia row crops such as cotton, peanuts, corn and soybeans.
Turkestan cockroach, Blatta lateralis, a cockroach species from Turkey has been recorded for the first time in Georgia, according to University of Georgia College of Agricultural and Environmental Sciences entomologist Dan Suiter. Photo by Lisa Ames, UGA Cooperative Extension. CAES News
New Roach
A new cockroach species from Turkey has been recorded for the first time in Georgia, according to University of Georgia College of Agricultural and Environmental Sciences entomologist Dan Suiter.
The Asian longhorned tick, an invasive tick species recently identified in several Eastern U.S. states, has been documented as far south as North Carolina. CAES News
Tick Smart
Georgia is already home to 22 species of ticks, but there may be another tiny bloodsucker hiding in the woods on your next hike.
Georgia farmers will soon be harvesting their cotton crop. It's important for cotton producers to know when to defoliate to speed up the crop's maturity process. CAES News
Field Day
Farmers and industry supporters are invited to the annual University of Georgia Cotton and Peanut Research Field Day to be held on Wednesday, Sept. 5, 2018, on the UGA Tifton campus and UGA research farms in Tift County.