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Georgia 4-H Zoom into Science August CAES News
Zoom into Science
The Georgia 4-H Science and Environmental Education Program will be offering new “Zoom into Science” sessions for the fall. This collection of virtual learning lessons allows youth from across the country to connect with scientists, researchers and engineers through an online communication platform, Zoom.
Georgia 4-H State Congress Medal CAES News
4-H State Achievement Series
Georgia 4-H hosted a virtual series to announce and honor youth winners in replacement of its annual State 4-H Congress, normally a weeklong competition and celebration in Atlanta. The online series allowed Georgia 4-H to announce all the winners live, similar to the in-person festivities which have been held annually since 1942.
Silverleaf whitefly symptoms (left) compared to a normal leaf in curcubits. (David Riley, University of Georgia, CAES News
Whitefly Management
As the summer months continue to deliver hot, dry conditions throughout most of the state, growers need to be on the lookout for silverleaf whitefly in cotton and vegetables.
Professor Esther van der Knaap, who works at the UGA College of Agricultural and Environmental Sciences Department of Horticulture and Institute of Plant Breeding, Genetics and Genomics, is part of the team that is unlocking the history of ancient tomatoes to breed a more sustainable future for modern crops. CAES News
Building Better Tomatoes
New technology has led to a greater understanding of how gene placement within the tomato genome influences gene expression and, therefore, the characteristics of the resulting plant’s fruit, a discovery that is important for breeders and producers.
According to a recent survey, 81% of teens say mental health is a significant issue for young people in the U.S. (Georgia 4-H members during Fall Forum at Rock Eagle 4-H Center, December, 2019) CAES News
Youth mental health
Whether going back to school means in-person or distance learning for the young people in your life, it’s a good time to remember to prioritize mental health. COVID-19 has impacted the lives of young people in many ways, and mental health is no exception.
2020-21 Georgia 4-H State Board of Directors CAES News
Georgia 4-H Board of Directors
Usually, Georgia 4-H fills summer programming with residential camps and statewide events. Due to event restrictions this year, key elements of State 4-H Council normally held at Rock Eagle 4-H Center in June were conducted online to maintain statewide youth engagement.
Spending time outdoors, including activities such as UGA Extension's Great Georgia Pollinator Census to be held Aug. 21-22, offers numerous physical and mental health benefits such as reduced stress, greater cognitive functioning and increased physical activity. CAES News
Natural Benefits
With formalized school programs gearing up in the next few months, many parents and guardians may struggle with helping their children and teenagers disengage from technology and spend time outdoors.
Symptoms of dollar spot include circular discolorations only a few inches in diameter. Spots may run together causing large, irregular patterns. CAES News
Lawn Maintenance
With the heat of summer bearing down on us, University of Georgia Cooperative Extension turfgrass specialists recommend that residents stick to a schedule for healthy lawn maintenance.
Georgia 4-H and FFA youth compete in the Junior Beef Futurity Competition. CAES News
Georgia Beef Futurity Winners
Georgia 4-H and FFA members exhibited 310 entries at the Georgia Junior Beef Futurity show that was held July 9-11 at the Georgia National Fairgrounds and Agricenter in Perry, Georgia.
Pine trees on the UGA Westbrook Farm in Griffin, Ga. (file photo) CAES News
Tax Guide
Keeping up with changes in Georgia’s property tax laws is a full-time job, and a new book shows the fruits of these efforts.