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Drying tarps for peanuts
When Ghanaian groundnut farmers are given tarps for free, they will use them to dry their crops, one of the proven ways to reduce the risk of aflatoxin-producing mold. But, when they have to buy the tarps -- even when they are given an economic incentive to produce low-aflatoxin nuts -- farmers are reluctant to spend the money. A paper recently published by the International Food Policy Research Institute (IFPRI) reported those findings in research led by University of Georgia agricultural economist Nick Magnan under the Feed the Future Peanut & Mycotoxin Innovation Lab.
As the newest member of the University of Georgia Griffin campus faculty, Bochra Bahri’s research will be focused on fighting turfgrass diseases including dollar spot. She is working closely with other members of the UGA turfgrass team members based in Griffin, including plant pathologist Alfredo Martinez and turfgrass breeders Paul Raymer and David Jespersen. CAES News
Turf Doctor
Bochra Bahri has joined the University of Georgia as an assistant professor of plant pathology. Based on the UGA Griffin campus, Bahri will conduct research on turfgrass and forage diseases that affect growers in Georgia, the nation and around the world.
The $6.5 million in funding that USPOULTRY has provided to the UGA Department of Poultry Science supports both life-changing academic programs and world-changing research. CAES News
Poultry Research
During this season of gratitude, the faculty and students in the University of Georgia Department of Poultry Science are thankful for the partnerships that have helped make UGA's poultry science program one of the best of its kind in the nation.
A team of food industry experts and grocery buyers selected 33 products to compete in the final round of the University of Georgia's 2019 Flavor of Georgia Food Product Contest. CAES News
Flavor of Georgia
There’s no magic recipe for success, but there is a time-proven secret ingredient: the Flavor of Georgia food product contest.
The Cotton Boll and Consumer Judging Competition is part of the Georgia 4-H Healthy Living Program. This competitive judging contest teaches 4-H’ers about cotton as an agricultural commodity in Georgia as well as cotton promotion through commercials or advertisements. The Spalding County team won first place and High Overall Individual went to Jahycee Barnes. Pictured left to right are Shelby Lane, Barnes, Kaylee Collins and Heather Dorn. CAES News
Cotton Boll/Consumer Judging
Fifty-six youth participated in the 2019 Georgia 4-H State Cotton Boll and Consumer Judging Competition sponsored by the Georgia Cotton Commission on Dec. 14, at the Rock Eagle 4-H Center in Eatonton, Georgia.
Assistant Professor Yukiko Hashida recently joined the University of Georgia Department of Agricultural and Applied Economics. She uses her background in international law and finance to inform her research into natural resource economics. CAES News
Environmental Economics
Despite fears of rising sea levels and violent storms, many people still dream of living on the water. It’s an idyllic life — until it isn’t.
A team of researchers from the University of Georgia’s Regenerative Bioscience Center has found that neural exosomes can minimize or even avert progression of traumatic brain injury when used as part of a new cell-to-cell messaging technology. With this potential new technique, RBC researchers, including Steve Stice (left) and Lohitash Karumbaiah (right), hope to boost the brain’s natural ability to recover and provide physicians with a treatment that can be administered immediately in cases of severe TBI. CAES News
“Cargo” Molecules
A team of researchers from the University of Georgia’s Regenerative Bioscience Center has found that neural exosomes — “cargo” molecules within the nervous system that carry messages to the brain — can minimize or even avert progression of traumatic brain injury when used as part of a new cell-to-cell messaging technology.
Whether you're looking for a host or hostess gift for something for you secret Santa, UGA's Flavor of Georgia Food Product Contest has some great recommendations. Visit for more information. CAES News
Local Gifts
Shop Flavor of Georgia products to find something for everyone on your shopping list or for your holiday party. Good taste never goes out of style, and there’s something that will appeal to all your friends and family.
On March 1, University of Georgia Cooperative Extension will welcome Cain Hickey, the state's first full-time Extension viticulturist. CAES News
40 Under 40
Since arriving at the University of Georgia Department of Horticulture in 2017, viticulture researcher Cain Hickey has helped make UGA Cooperative Extension the go-to source for wine growing expertise in the Southeast. 
This yield map shows a field with cotton with different amounts of yields produced. CAES News
Yield Maps
A cotton farmer who uses yield maps while he finishes harvesting this year’s crop could potentially increase his yields next season while becoming more efficient with input costs, according to University of Georgia Precision Agriculture Specialist Wes Porter.