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UGA-Tifton Assistant Dean Joe West poses for a picture in front of campus with the 2019 fall graduates. CAES News
Fall Commencement
Faculty and staff at the University of Georgia Tifton campus celebrated their fall graduates during a special ceremony on Saturday, Dec. 7. Eleven of the 17 students listed below participated in the celebration.
Bethany Harris' UGA degrees exposed her to working with pollinators and butterflies, so her job as assistant director of education at Callaway Gardens is a perfect fit. “In addition to the butterfly center, we have an outdoor butterfly garden and my research at UGA centered around native pollinators and butterflies," she said. CAES News
Triple Dawg
Bethany Harris has found the perfect job using her entomology and horticulture education from the University of Georgia College of Agricultural and Environmental Sciences. As assistant director of education at Callaway Gardens, Harris truly works out in the field, overseeing the butterfly center and educational gardens, managing over 200 volunteers, and teaching workshops for the public.
Sweet potatoes are an easy-to-grow addition to Georgia gardens and they now come in more varieties than the standards like ‘Beauregard’ and ‘Georgia Jet’. ‘Bonita’, which has a light tan skin and white flesh, produces high yields of medium to large roots. ‘Murasaki’ is a purple-skinned, white-flesh variety that has a distinctive nutty flavor. “Burgundy’ has a burgundy-colored skin and deep orange flesh similar to ‘Beauregard’. CAES News
Sweet Potato History
Sweet potatoes are a traditional part of Southern holiday celebrations. A member of the morning glory family of plants, sweet potatoes are believed to have originated in Central or South America at least 5,000 years ago. Christopher Columbus brought them back to Europe on his fourth and final voyage.
Cottonseed is not only more readily available to Georgia farmers, it is also less expensive. Pictured is cotton seed and cotton cake. CAES News
Cotton Cake
John Bernard, a professor and dairy scientist at the University of Georgia Tifton campus, has found that a type of cottonseed meal is an effective protein supplement for dairy cattle.
Will Secor, assistant professor at the University of Georgia Department of Agricultural and Applied Economics, conducts research that connects the larger global and national policy landscape to their impact of individual farmers and farm businesses CAES News
Focus on Management
William Secor, assistant professor at the University of Georgia College of Agricultural and Environmental Sciences, has built his career by analyzing the big business of small towns.
UGA plant pathologist Alfredo Martinez-Espinoza was recently awarded the D.W. Brooks Award for Excellence in Extension. He is shown (second from right) being congratulated by (left to right) Harald Scherm, head of the UGA Department of Plant Pathology, Laura Perry Johnson, UGA Extension associate dean, and Sam Pardue, dean of the UGA College of Agricultural and Environmental Sciences. CAES News
Martinez-Espinoza Honored
University of Georgia Griffin campus plant pathologist Alfredo Martinez-Espinoza has been awarded the 2019 D.W Brooks Award for Excellence in Extension. The award recognizes his UGA Cooperative Extension and applied research program that focuses on the management of new and recurring diseases of turfgrass, small grains and nonlegume forages and his delivery of relevant information to stakeholders and fellow Extension professionals.
The 'Paulk' variety is UGA's newest muscadine release. CAES News
Muscadine Study
Muscadines are often recognized for their disease and insect resistance, but recent research has shown that the South’s native grapes are vulnerable to parasitic nematodes.
Jeffrey Dorfman currently serves as the state fiscal economist for the state of Georgia and a professor of agricultural economics at the University of Georgia. CAES News
2020 Ag Forecast
Jeffrey Dorfman, the state fiscal economist for Georgia and a professor at the University of Georgia College of Agricultural and Environmental Sciences (CAES), will serve as the keynote speaker for four of the five locations during the 2020 Georgia Ag Forecast seminar series set for Jan. 21 through Jan. 31.
Members of UGA's Tau chapter of Pi Alpha Xi Horticultural Honor Society will host their annual poinsettia sale on Dec. 7 from 8 am. to 4 p.m. at Greenhouse 13 at the UGA Riverbend Greenhouse at 111 Riverbend Road. CAES News
Poinsettia Sale
It’s beginning to look a lot like Christmas at UGA’s Riverbend Greenhouse Complex.
The Rose Garden, and all the other gardens, at the Coastal Georgia Botanical Gardens at the Historic Bamboo Farm in Savannah, Georgia, are adorned with lights for the holiday season. The light show, called “Jewel in a Savannah Christmas,” runs from 6 to 9 p.m. on select evenings from Friday, Nov. 24 through Christmas Eve, Dec. 24. CAES News
Nights and Lights
Coastal Georgia Botanical Gardens (CGBG) at the Historic Bamboo Farm in Savannah, Georgia, has dressed its gardens with millions of lights in preparation for the arrival of Santa Claus on Dec. 6.