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Pears hang from a tree in a middle Georgia home landscape. CAES News
Pear disease
Fire blight, a common plant disease that is persistent in the Southeast, makes growing edible pears in Georgia difficult. Most pears produced in the U.S. are grown in Oregon and Washington, states where the disease does not become a problem.
A barrel racing competitor leans her horse into the turn during the Great Southland Stampede Rodeo. CAES News
Southland Stampede Rodeo
UGA’s Block and Bridle club is gearing up for the 38th annual Great Southland Stampede Rodeo, which will roll into Athens, Ga. this weekend, April 19-21.
Bee Institute, May 10-12
Faculty members from Young Harris College and the University of Georgia College of Agricultural and Environmental Sciences will host their annual Bee Keeping Institute, May 10-12 in Young Harris, Ga.
Georgia's Vidalia onions are available to purchase now. To keep their sweet taste around all year long, University of Georgia Cooperative Extension food safety experts say to store them in the freezer. CAES News
Vidalia season
Shoppers across the country crave Georgia’s signature sweet onions, but sometimes they want that sweetness in a smaller package. Georgia’s Vidalia onion farmers have spent their last few growing seasons working to produce smaller versions of their prized onions, which are typically some of the largest onion varieties in the produce department.
A sod pallet sets on a sod farm in Ft. Valley, Ga. CAES News
Turfgrass Conference

Attention all turfgrass enthusiasts! Mark your calendars for Tuesday, April 24, 2012 and make plans to attend the 66th Annual Southeastern Turfgrass Conference held at the University of Georgia Tifton Campus Conference Center.

A group of black flies CAES News
Beneficial black flies?
Black flies drink blood and spread disease such as river blindness—creating misery with their presence. A University of Georgia study, however, proves that the pesky insects can be useful.
A vegetable garden in Butts Co., Ga. CAES News
Blooms need bees
When it comes to growing vegetables, sometimes having insects in the garden can be a good thing.
Top honors
Casimir C. Akoh, Distinguished Research Professor in the University of Georgia Department of Food Science and Technology, has received the top award from the American Oil Chemists’ Society and the Institute of Food Technologists.
Organic onions growing in a field in south Georgia CAES News
Organic gardening class
An organic gardening workshop is slated for April 27 on the University of Georgia campus in Griffin, Ga.
H.O. Lund Entomology Club and students in a service-learning entomology class hosted the 2012 insect zoo on March 30, 2012. CAES News
Insect Zoo 2012
There’s just something about insects that makes a lot of people’s skin crawl but University of Georgia entomology students are working hard to improve the public’s perception of their six-legged friends.