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Agribusiness conference
The 2010 Agribusiness Conference, “Building Agribusiness Alliances,” will be held Sept. 14 and 15 at Athens Technical College in Athens, Ga.
Gwen Roland admires an angel trumpet plant growing in a greenhouse at the University of Georgia Research and Education Garden in Griffin, Ga. CAES News
Plant poison
During summer, children are outside more, and the vibrant colors and smells of blooming flowers might lead them to take a little taste of a plant. This can be dangerous.
The winning University of Georgia team stand with professor Rob Shewfelt, far left, and assistant professor Ron Pegg. They are, left to right, Amudhan Ponrajan, Winnie Lim, George Cavender, Jessica Highsmith and Kathryn Acosta. CAES News
National winners
The University of Georgia can add a new national title to its academic lineup. At a university often known for its sports, it was food science students who brought home top honors on July 19 at the annual international Institute of Food Technologists conference held in Chicago.
South Georgia students and teachers learn about invasive species, like this climbing fern, at a recent course in Tifton. CAES News
Invasive Species
High School students and teachers from all over south Georgia gathered in Tifton earlier this month to learn more about invasive species and what to do if they see them.
Produce on sale at the 2010 Athens Farmers Market. CAES News
Locally grown
Matthew Roher, chef and owner of Cha Bella restaurant in Savannah, says local is better, and he wants to connect Georgians to local producers of fine food.
A yellow koi swims in a backyard water garden CAES News
Budget water garden
A water garden filled with plants, brightly colored koi and goldfish doesn’t have to break the bank. A University of Georgia expert offers tips on creating a water garden on a budget, but says you’re still going to have to pay sweat equity.
Immature squash bugs feast on the leaf of a yellow squash plant CAES News
Scout before you spray
Many home landscapers and gardeners see pests eating their azaleas or tomatoes and immediately grab a chemical pesticide for defense. A University of Georgia expert says using a combination of pest control methods is a better option for your plants and the environment.
Crops like recent weather
Rain has hit on target and temperatures have been reasonable. So far, Georgia row-crops like what they’ve been getting.
Five-leafed clover covers this plant with a little extra luck. CAES News
Gene for luck
Wayne Parrott has answered a question that has stumped plant breeders for the past century: Why do some white clover plants have four leaves?
Sorghum plant growing in the field. CAES News
Perennial sorghum
Most of the sorghum eaten by Americans is consumed indirectly when they eat beef or chicken that were fed the grain. In other parts of the world, though, it is eaten directly as a food staple. In some African countries, sorghum accounts for 40 percent of people’s diets. A University of Georgia plant breeder wants to increase the plant’s production by tapping into the perennial characteristics of its wild ancestors.