Browse Food Science and Technology Stories - Page 19

266 results found for Food Science and Technology
Borlaug Fellows
As part of the Norman E. Borlaug International Agricultural Science and Technology Fellowship Program, two visiting researchers are working to ensure the safety the peanut crop in Africa with the help of the University of Georgia College of Agricultural and Environmental Sciences.
A platter of dark and white meat turkey. CAES News
Thanksgiving Leftovers
For many families, the prospect of turkey sandwiches and turkey soup after Thanksgiving is almost as exciting as the big meal itself.
Holiday Food Allergies
Almost 50 million Americans live with a food allergy, so there’s a good chance that a large Thanksgiving guest list might mean that you’re cooking for someone with dietary restrictions.
Asian agricultural scientists visited the University of Georgia this week to share with and learn from researchers in the UGA College of Agricultural and Environmental Sciences. UGA animal and dairy scientist John Bernard is shown giving the group a tour of the dairy farm on the UGA CAES campus in Tifton. CAES News
Mini Summit
A group of scientists from China, Taiwan and Japan traveled to south Georgia this week to share their work with University of Georgia researchers during the Seventh Annual Mini Summit on Food, Policy and the Environment. Cultural differences and thousands of miles separate the group, but they are unified in their primary concern — the safety of the world’s food supply.
Three goats were among those on display at the 2013 University of Georgia Master Goat Farmer class held in Athens. UGA food scientists are working with researchers at Fort Valley State University to train meat goat farmers. CAES News
Goat Meat
As America’s population continues to change and become more diverse, so does the variety of food sold in grocery stores, cooked in homes and served in restaurants. The popularity of one of these relatively new food choices, goat meat, is on the rise as more people from Asia, Africa, India and the Middle East begin to call the United States home.
Scientists from China and Taiwan visit with CAES researchers at the 2011 Ag Expo in Moultrie. CAES News
Asian Agricultural Sciences Summit
From tilapia to canned Mandarin oranges, Americans import many staple grocery products from Asian nations like China, Taiwan and Japan. Likewise, these countries import Georgia-grown products—chicken, cotton and pecans.
Jars of peanut butter await taste testers in the University of Georgia building at the 2012 Sunbelt Agricultural Expo. CAES News
Nutritionally-charged Peanut Butter
A team of University of Georgia scientists have found peanut skins can be incorporated into traditional peanut butter with potentially surprising results.
A concession stand at the Kiwanis Club Fairgrounds in Griffin, Ga. CAES News
Concession Stand Safety
“Two bits, four bits, six bits a dollar, all for safe food, stand up and holler!” Back to school may mean back to sports for children and back to the concession stand for parents.
There were almost 800,000 acres of peanuts grown in Georgia in 2015. CAES News
Peanut Funding
University of Georgia peanut researchers have been granted $256,280 from the Georgia Peanut Commission to fund various peanut-related research projects in 2015.
University of Georgia scientist Walid Alali was presented the university's 2014 Creative Research Medal based on his research on salmonella in the poultry industry. Alali is a food scientist with the University of Georgia College of Agricultural and Environmental Sciences. He is shown (right) receiving the honor from UGA Vice President for Research David Lee. CAES News
Creative Research Medal
Walid Alali, a scientist with the University of Georgia Griffin Campus, has received the University of Georgia Creative Research Medal — an award presented to faculty who have conducted outstanding research within the past five years on a single topic.