Browse Horticulture Stories - Page 41

745 results found for Horticulture
Everillo's grassy texture combines well with flowers like SunPatiens. CAES News
Perfect Companion
There seems to be no plant combination that is not made better by partnering with ‘Everillo,' commonly known as "Japanese sedge." It's an incredible companion with hostas, ferns, pansies and tulips.
When Hurricane Hermine landed, these rain lilies were just clumps of foliage. Within a few days, dozens of flowers appeared. CAES News
Rain Lilies
Hurricane Hermine was a tropical storm by the time it reached Savannah, Georgia. While it left a wake of plant destruction, it also brought blooms by the dozens. The storm hit on Friday, and by Tuesday morning, when we returned to the Coastal Georgia Botanical Gardens at the Historic Bamboo Farm after the Labor Day holiday, we were welcomed by rain lilies.
Plumbago forms a loose shrub in the landscape when kept at about 3-feet tall. CAES News
Cape Plumbago
Growing cape plumbago is like having your own ticket to the butterfly wild kingdom. Not only will you be the proprietor of the daily nectar café, but depending on where you live, you will also celebrate young ones, as this is a host plant for the cassius blue butterfly.
Ruby-throated hummingbirds love 'Lime Sizzler' firebush. CAES News
'Lime Sizzler'
Ever since firebush was declared a Texas Superstar winner 20 years ago, it has captured the fancy of gardeners, hummingbirds, butterflies and bees. Now with the addition of 'Lime Sizzler,' gardeners have gone gaga.
'Java White' looks as though it has been kissed by snow, creating a daring look on a porch patio or in a landscape. CAES News
Copper Plants
Copper plants were sold generically for years, but that is now passé thanks to varieties like ‘Beyond Paradise,’ ‘Bourbon Street,’ ‘Ceylon,’ ‘Tricolor’ and ‘Jungle Cloak.’ They partner well with blue flowers like salvias or light blue plumbago.
University of Georgia horticulturist Carol Robacker has released 'Raspberry Profusion,' a cultivar that blooms heavily from May to September. Its raspberry-colored sepals, wonderful fragrance and foliage is more spectacular than older varieties. CAES News
New Additions
Fall is the perfect time to admire blooming shrubs and trees. In many areas of the state, people take great pride in adorning their landscape with spectacular shrubs that exhibit color, shape and texture.
The University of Georgia College of Agricultural and Environmental Sciences is challenging its students — and students across the university — to become entrepreneurial groundbreakers through FABricate, a contest of student ideas to help feed the world. CAES News
FABricate Challenge
From the development of the iron plow to the noble impulse to turn peanuts into a delicious sandwich spread, groundbreaking visionaries have repeatedly reshaped the way the world eats.
A leadership development class within the Extension Academy for Professional Excellence works on a classroom exercise. CAES News
Extension Academy
University of Georgia Cooperative Extension will launch the 2016-2017 season of UGA’s Extension Academy for Professional Excellence — an internal program meant to develop the next generation of leadership — this September in Athens, Georgia.
University of Georgia Cooperative Extension turfgrass specialist Clint Waltz was among the UGA experts who presented their research findings at the Turfgrass Research Field Day on Thursday, Aug. 4. Waltz is shown explaining how commonly used products, like insect repellant, sunscreen, cooking oil and powdered Gatorade, can harm a turfgrass lawn. CAES News
Turfgrass Updates
More than 800 people braved the hot August temperatures for a firsthand glimpse of the latest research by University of Georgia scientists at the Turfgrass Research Field Day held Thursday, Aug. 4, on the UGA campus in Griffin, Georgia.
Buckwheat is an unusually fast-growing plant produced by commercial agriculture for its grain-like seeds. In the home garden, it is one of the best summer cover/green manure crops available. CAES News
Beautiful Buckwheat
Buckwheat adds nitrogen to garden plots, produces beautiful flowers and delicious pancakes. An unusually fast-growing plant, buckwheat is produced by commercial agriculture for its grain-like seeds. In the home garden, it is one of the best summer cover/green manure crops available.