Browse Stress Management Stories - Page 3

46 results found for Stress Management
UGA Cooperative Extension Family and Consumer Sciences (FACS) agents Leslie Weaver (left) and Carrie Vanderver produce the bi-weekly podcast Two Agents and the FACS to deliver "reliable, relatable and research-based" information to listeners. CAES News
The Basic FACS
Listening to University of Georgia Cooperative Extension agents Leslie Weaver and Carrie Vanderver on their new podcast, Two Agents and the FACS, is like sitting around chatting with friends — with the added benefit of learning something along the way.
Whether it involves walking, yoga or dancing like no one is watching, physical activity can have a significant impact on your mental health, decrease blood pressure and lower blood sugar levels. CAES News
Holiday Stress
Whether you are planning to celebrate the holidays face-to-face or virtually, it is understandable if you are feeling mentally drained. As we face the challenges of navigating the holidays safely, there are a variety of ways to focus on mental health.
Walks, jogs or bike rides around the neighborhood or local parks during social distancing are permitted by public health officials, as long as the minimum 6 feet of distance between other people is maintained. CAES News
Virtual Diabetes Program
As a result of the COVID-19 pandemic, the University of Georgia Extension Diabetes Prevention Program was challenged with shifting to a completely virtual format. Trained agents are delivering the program to community members across the state and collaborating with the University System of Georgia (USG) to offer the National Diabetes Prevention Program entirely online to faculty and staff.
According to a recent survey, 81% of teens say mental health is a significant issue for young people in the U.S. (Georgia 4-H members during Fall Forum at Rock Eagle 4-H Center, December, 2019) CAES News
Youth mental health
Whether going back to school means in-person or distance learning for the young people in your life, it’s a good time to remember to prioritize mental health. COVID-19 has impacted the lives of young people in many ways, and mental health is no exception.
Spending time outdoors, including activities such as UGA Extension's Great Georgia Pollinator Census to be held Aug. 21-22, offers numerous physical and mental health benefits such as reduced stress, greater cognitive functioning and increased physical activity. CAES News
Natural Benefits
With formalized school programs gearing up in the next few months, many parents and guardians may struggle with helping their children and teenagers disengage from technology and spend time outdoors.
UGA child development specialist Diane Bales encourages parents to have their kids practice wearing a mask or face covering prior to the start of the school year. CAES News
Mask Tips
If you’re anxious about your child wearing a face covering this fall, you’re not alone.
Parents can help lessen their kids' anxiety about returning to school by talking with them about their concerns and reassuring them that it's normal to be both nervous and excited. Finding out as much as you can about their daily schedules and routines in advance also can help give them more confidence, said UGA child development specialist Diane Bales. CAES News
Preparing for Unknowns
First-day jitters are common, but students returning to school this year during the COVID-19 pandemic will face all sorts of unknowns that could lead to heightened anxiety.
COVID-10 Stress
There is a lot of conversation lately about stress and mental well-being, particularly during this time of COVID-19 and sheltering in place. The coronavirus is bringing huge health challenges to our communities and impacts everything from jobs to families. Many things feel like they’re out of our control, and the stress keeps building. 
Walks, jogs or bike rides around the neighborhood or local parks during social distancing are permitted by public health officials, as long as the minimum 6 feet of distance between other people is maintained. CAES News
Home Workouts
Following social distancing guidelines put in place due to COVID-19 doesn’t mean you have to stop being active, says University of Georgia Cooperative Extension Nutrition and Health Specialist Ali Berg.
“Rural Stress: Promising Practices and Future Directions,” an interdisciplinary roundtable on the challenges facing rural America, was held in Atlanta Dec. 10-11, 2018. CAES News
Rural Stress
Farmers are extended family for University of Georgia Cooperative Extension agents throughout the state, and agents are uniquely positioned to raise awareness about rural stress and mental health concerns for Georgia farmers.