Browse Food Science and Technology Stories - Page 24

266 results found for Food Science and Technology
Deep-space travel will require foods that contain such low levels of oxygen, they can be stored for years while retaining their quality. As it turns out, this is a valuable trait for food stored here on Earth as well. CAES News
Beyond Tang
With a grant from NASA, food scientists at the University of Georgia aim to create zero-oxygen storage foods for deep-space travel. They admit to still being a few years away from that goal, but they recently made great strides that will translate not only into improved foods for space but for Earth-bound grocery shelves, too.
Scientists from China and Taiwan visit with CAES researchers at the 2011 Ag Expo in Moultrie. CAES News
International summit
China is a major supplier of food ingredients and products to the U.S. and Canada. However, food safety concerns for both Chinese and U.S. products have resulted in food recalls in recent years. To address these concerns, the University of Georgia held the fourth International Summit on Emerging Issues in Food Safety and Marketing.
A young visitor to the UGA Pavilion at the 2011 Sunbelt Ag Expo in Moultrie, Ga., Oct. 19 learns about giant cockroaches. CAES News
Expo weathers on
Despite an uncomfortable mix of wet, cold and windy weather, North America’s premier farm show, the Sunbelt Ag Expo, marched on this week in Moultrie, Ga. More than 70,000 visitors perused the wears of 1,200 vendors, a North Carolina farmer was tapped as the Southeast’s top and land-grant universities brought their messages to the masses.
The 2011 D.W. Brooks Faculty Awards for Excellence were awarded to: (L-R) William Vencill, Teaching; Yen-Con Hung, Research; Casey Ritz, Extension; and Ronnie Barentine, Public Service Extension. CAES News
D.W. Brooks Awards
Four University of Georgia College of Agricultural and Environmental Sciences faculty members were awarded the college’s highest honor Oct. 4 in Athens, Ga., at the annual D.W. Brooks Lecture and Faculty Awards for Excellence.
The only way to properly remove and kill bacteria from raw poultry meat is to thoroughly cook the poultry to a minimum of 165 degrees Fahrenheit. A USDA report now shows that even if consumers don't wash raw poultry, the food safety risk is still present due to other common habits. CAES News
Food Safety
Recent salmonella outbreaks linked to ground turkey and papayas thrust national attention on food safety. And while these foods currently hold the spotlight, consumers should take care in how they prepare and serve food at home – or they could make people sick with what they cook, says a University of Georgia food expert.
UGA food scientist Jennifer Cannon conducts research at the Center for Food Safety in Griffin, Ga. CAES News
Controlling noroviruses
Most people have heard of food pathogens like E. coli and salmonella, but the majority of food disease cases are caused by human noroviruses, not food pathogens. Many of these cases are the result of poor hand hygiene practices during food service, said University of Georgia food scientist Jennifer Cannon.
Supermarket beef case at Buford Farmers Market CAES News
Safer beef products
University of Georgia scientists were awarded a five-year $4.9 million grant from the U.S. Department of Agriculture to study ways to kill foodborne pathogens on beef before it arrives on supermarket shelves and in restaurant kitchens.
Judges sample products at the 2011 Flavor of Georgia Food Product Contest. CAES News
2011 Flavor of Georgia
Jam of Love is more than a business name for Emily Myers and Gina Bodell of Dunwoody: It’s a philosophy. Each batch of their traditional, all-natural jams are made in small batches and poured into jars by hand.
Most Georgia farmers plant more than one crop during a season, usually managing a combination of peanuts, cotton, corn or soybeans. Across the board, they are looking at record or record-tying yields in 2009. CAES News
Bioactive food in a shell
Eating peanuts with their skins on is not only less messy, it’s much healthier for you, too, according to a University of Georgia food scientist.
Roosters in a laboratory on the University of Georgia campus in Athens, Ga. CAES News
Organic poultry feed contained no salmonella
Salmonella appears on organic poultry farms less often than conventional poultry farms, according to a recent University of Georgia study.