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Students in the University of Georgia College of Agricultural and Environmental Sciences Department of Horticulture's "Protected and Controlled Environment Horticulture" class, Candance Young and Donna Nevalainen, harvest vegetables from their high tunnel in December 2016. CAES News
Greenhouses and High Tunnels
From the miracle of December tomatoes to the marvel of fresh salad greens in space, greenhouses and growth chambers may play an increasing role in creating hyperlocal or hyperportable food systems.
The red misplaced sage (Salvia disjuncta) and Copper Canyon daisy (Tagetes lemmonii) create a wonderful fall combination in the landscape. CAES News
Fall-blooming Salvias
Salvias are deer-resistant perennials that create excitement in the garden by virtue of their spiky blooms. They also attract hummingbirds and pollinators.
Despite rains from hurricanes Hermine and Matthew, the coast of Georgia was rated abnormally dry by the U.S. Drought Monitor by the end of November. CAES News
Fall Drought
Weather conditions were warmer and drier than normal across most of the state during November, causing drought and extremely dry conditions to again expand across Georgia.
Cotton is sampled and put in bags at the UGA Tifton microgin. CAES News
The microgin at the University of Georgia Tifton Campus may be small, but it makes a huge impact.
Governor Nathan Deal and first lady Sandra Deal gathered with the Jekyll Island Authority board, 4-H staff members, local 4-H'ers and state 4-H board officers for the opening of Camp Jekyll. CAES News
Camp Jekyll Dedication
Jekyll Island, Ga. — For some Gwinnett County seventh grade students, it may be their first time to Georgia’s coast. For others, it may be their first overnight trip without family. However, they will all be part of the first official group to attend Georgia 4-H environmental education camp at the new Camp Jekyll on Feb. 1.
Woo Kyun Kim, assistant professor of poultry science at the University of Georgia, discusses upcoming research projects with graduate student Fernanda Castro. CAES News
Faculty Travel Grants
Even in the age of Skype and video meetings, sometimes there’s no more effective way to seal a partnership than with a meeting in person.
While collards are really old fashioned, the application with ornamentals is new and trendy. Their monolithic blue-green leaves can serve as an amazing backdrop to pansies and snapdragons CAES News
Brassicas in Beds
The Brassicas are taking center stage! In the fall and winter seasons, we have always dabbled in flowering kale and cabbage, but it seems in the last couple of years that things are changing. The cruciferous crops are doing their part to create the wow factor in flower beds across Georgia. It’s not just flowering kale and cabbage on display, but edibles like the Toscano kale and – would you believe it – that old, Southern favorite, collards.
Carla Reed and Danny Morris stuff quail sausage links in a food science laboratory on the University of Georgia campus in Athens, Georgia. CAES News
Quail Sausage
Sausage is traditionally made from pork, but a University of Georgia research team recently developed a breakfast link-style sausage made from lean quail meat.
More than 80 students from 15 agricultural colleges across the Southeast visited Leatherbrook Holsteins in Americus, Georgia, as part of the annual Southern Regional Dairy Challenge held in Cordele, Georgia, Nov. 13-15. Hosted this year by the University of Georgia College of Agricultural and Environmental Sciences, the event is designed to prepare college students for careers in the dairy industry. Members of the UGA team are shown with the farm's owner, Adam Graft, and one of their instructors, UGA animal and dairy science Assistant Professor Jillian Fain Bohlen. Pictured left to right are Graft, Kayla Alward, Mary Wright, Sarah Jane Thomsen and Bohlen. Nathan Webb (not shown) was also on the UGA team. CAES News
Dairy Challenge
Georgia dairyman Adam Graft listened carefully as teams of college students gave their educated opinions on how he manages his 3,200-acre Americus, Georgia, dairy farm.
The Georgia Ag Forecast seminar series will be held Jan. 18-27. University of Georgia agricultural economists will present insights into the latest market and regulatory conditions for the state's largest industry.
Hosted by the UGA College of Agricultural and Environmental Sciences, the 2017 seminar series will be held in Macon, Marietta, Carrollton, Tifton, Bainbridge, Lyons, Waynesboro and Athens. Registration for the series is now open at CAES News
Ag Forecast 2017
The Georgia Ag Forecast seminar series will be held Jan. 18-27. University of Georgia agricultural economists will present insights into the latest market and regulatory conditions for the state’s largest industry.