Peanut Entomology Blog: http://blog.extension.uga.edu/peanutent/
As a research and Extension program, our goal is to conduct pertinent research in applied insect ecology and to deliver the highest quality, science-based insect management information to the agriculture industry. Our work focuses on insect management in peanut, but pest management solutions often require a broader understanding of insect biology and ecology across diverse agro-ecosystems.
The research in my lab ranges from basic biology and ecology of economically important insects in agronomic crops to the development and evaluation of specific management strategies and tactics. Ongoing studies seek to improve integrated management of insect and mite pests of peanut in Georgia including: thrips, foliage feeding caterpillars, three cornered alfalfa hopper, and a complex of soil dwelling arthropods.
Our program is committed to providing solutions to pest management problems through the extension of our research results to the peanut industry and beyond. We are actively engaged with industry clientele and utilize a variety of mechanisms from grower meetings to web based media to deliver the most current insect management information.
Opportunities for Employment in the Abney Lab
Graduate Students: Graduate education is an important part of our program, and prospective students interested in either an MS or PhD are encouraged to contact Dr. Abney to discuss research opportunities.
Student Research Assistants: Undergraduate student workers play a key role in helping us achieve the goals of the Peanut Entomology Program. Students have the opportunity to learn about insect biology, crop production and pest management in a research environment. Interested individuals in the Tifton area can contact Kent Hill in the lab at 229.386.3549.
Post-Doctoral Associates: Position announcements will be posted when openings are available.