Phillip Marion Roberts

Extension Entomologist - Cotton Entomology
Portrait of Phillip Marion Roberts
Contact Information 229-386-3835

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Portrait of Phillip Marion Roberts

Phillip Roberts is an Extension Entomologist located on the Tifton Campus. Primary responsibilities include developing and implementing comprehensive extension education programs in integrated pest management (IPM) for cotton and soybean production systems. Additionally, applied research and on-farm demonstrations are conducted to advance the state of the art for IPM systems.

Cotton IPM programs in Georgia have become more biologically based due in large part to the elimination of the boll weevil as an economic pest. Removal of this key pest has allowed the development of truly integrated approaches for successful IPM programs. Utilization of natural processes to their fullest extent through conservation of natural controls is the foundation of cotton IPM programs in Georgia.

Widespread utilization of transgenic Bt cottons has significantly reduced insecticide use. In this low-spray environment, true bugs have elevated in pest status. During recent years educational and applied research programs have focused on management of boll feeding bugs, such as stink bugs, in cotton production systems.

Selected Publications

Herbert, A., E. Blinka, J. Bacheler, J. Van Duyn, J. Greene, M. Toews, P. Roberts, and R. Smith. 2009.  Managing stink bugs in cotton: research in the southeast region.  Publication 444-390, Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University.  Found online at

Roberts, Phillip M., John R. Ruberson, and Mike Toews.  2009 (annual update).  Cotton insect control. p. 47-51, In: 2009 Georgia Pest Management Handbook Commercial Edition, (P. Guillebeau, Ed.).  The Univ. of Georgia Coop. Ext. Ser. Special Bull. 28, 863 pp.  Found online at

Roberts, Phillip, and Robert M. McPherson.  2009 (annual update).  Soybean insect control. p. 175-180, In: 2009 Georgia Pest Control Handbook Commercial Edition, (P. Guillebeau, Ed.).  The Univ. of Georgia Coop. Ext. Ser. Special Bull. 28, 863 pp.  Found online at

Toews, M., E. Blinka, J. Van Duyn, A. Herbert, J. Bacheler, P. Roberts, and J. Greene.  2009.  Fidelity of external boll feeding lesions to internal damage for assessing stink bug damage in cotton.  J. Econ. Entomol. 102(3): 1344-1351.

Medrano, E.G., J. Esquivel, A. Bell, J. Greene, P. Roberts, J. Bacheler, J. Marois, D. Wright, R. Nichols, and J. Lopez.  2009.  Potential for Nezara viridula (Hemiptera:Pentatomidae) to transmit bacterial and fungal pathogens into cotton bolls.  J. Current Microbiology 59: 405-412.

Culpepper, S., A. York, P. Roberts, and J. Whitaker.  2009.  WideStrike 485 WRF cotton and glyphosate- resistant Palmer amaranth response to glufosinate in Georgia.  Weed Tech., 23: 356-362.

Roberts, Phillip (Ed.), Stanley Culpepper, Glen Harris, Bob Kemerait, Don Shurley, and A. Smith.  2009 Georgia Cotton Production Guide (annual update).  The Univ. of Georgia Coop. Ext. Ser., ENT 09-01.  Found online at

Roberts, P.M.  2009.  Cotton pest management newsletter. The Univ. of Georgia Coop. Ext. Ser., Entomology 09-PMR(1), 11 issues.  Found online at

Jost, P., D. Shurley, S. Culpepper, P. Roberts, R. Nichols, J. Reeves, and S. Anthony.  2008.  Economic comparison of transgenic and non-transgenic cotton production systems in Georgia.  Agron. J. 100(1): 42-51 (2008).

McPherson, R.M., W.C. Johnson III, E.G. Fonsah, and P.M. Roberts.  2008.  Insect pests and yield potential of vegetable soybean (Edamame) produced in Georgia.  J. Entomol. Sci. Vol. 43, No. 2 (2008): 225-240.

Abney, MR, JR Ruberson, GA Herzog, TJ Kring, DC Steinkraus & PM Roberts. 2008.  Rise and fall of cotton aphid (Hemiptera: Aphididae) populations in Southeastern cotton production systems. J. Econ. Entomol. 101(1): 23-35 (2008).

McPherson, R.M., G.R. Buss, and P.M. Roberts.  2007.  Assessing stink bug resistance in soybean breeding lines containing genes from germplasm IAC-100.  J. Econ. Entomol.  100(4): 1456-1463.

Greene, J.K., C.S. Bundy, P.M. Roberts, and B.R. Leonard.  2006.  Identification and management of common boll feeding bugs in cotton.  EB158 Clemson Extension.

Olson, D.M., R.F. Davis, S.L. Brown, P. Roberts, and S.C. Phatak.  2006.  Cover crop, rye residue, and in-furrow treatment effects on thrips.  J. Appl. Entomol. 130(5): 302-308.

Grey, T.L., G.D. Buntin, P.M. Roberts, and D.C. Bridges.  2006.  Potential interaction of pendimethalin and systemic insecticides for thrips control in cotton.  Agron. Journal 98: 141-147.

Lohmeyer, K.H., J.N. All, P.M. Roberts, and P. Bush.  2003.  Precision application of aldicarb to enhance efficiency of thrips (Thysanoptera:Thripidae) Management in cotton.  J. Econ. Entomol. 96(3): 748-753.

Bednarz, C.W., and P.M. Roberts.  2001.  Spatial yield distribution in cotton following early season floral bud removal.  Crop Sci.  41: 1800-1808.