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A sod pallet sets on a sod farm in Ft. Valley, Ga. CAES News
Sod Field Day
Georgia turfgrass producers and industry leaders will gather Wednesday, Oct. 28 in Ft. Valley, Georgia for the annual Georgia Sod & Turf Producers Field Day.
UGA President Jere Morehead poses for a picture with Georgia Farmer of the Year James Lyles and wife, Tara, during Tuesday's Farmer of the Year luncheon. Also pictured are Josef Broder, interim dean of the UGA CAES, and Laura Perry Johnson, associate dean for Extension. CAES News
Expo Visit
The Sunbelt Agricultural Expo opened its doors on Tuesday, Oct. 20, to University of Georgia President Jere Morehead, who was one of the event’s first visitors.
J. Scott Angle, dean and director, UGA College of Agricultural and Environmental Sciences. CAES News
Ag Honors
J. Scott Angle, former dean and director of the University of Georgia College of Agricultural and Environmental Sciences, received the Earl Douglas Harris Memorial AGHON Award from AGHON at UGA. Angle, who now serves as president and CEO of the International Fertilizer Development Center, is one of only a few to be given the award in the past 30 years.
University of Georgia food scientists had participants in a recent workshop taste three brands of worcestershire sauce to demonstrate how one food item can taste different from different manufacturers. Participants in the class were considering or have developed a new food product for the retail market. CAES News
Food Workshop
Potential new food product developers from across the state learned the process of creating, packaging and launching a new food product at the University of Georgia’s New Food Business Workshop, held Oct. 6-7 on the university’s Griffin Campus.
Begonia Baby Wing® 'Bicolor' – PanAmerican Seed CAES News
Classic City Awards
Every summer, the staff of the Trial Gardens at the University of Georgia raises hundreds of varieties of new ornamentals, and the best of the best of those plants become Classic City Award winners.
UGA entomologist Ashfaq Sial inspects a blueberry bush for damage. CAES News
Spotted Wing Drosophila
A tiny fly is having a huge impact on American fruit farmers. Known as spotted wing drosophila, the insect is costing famers more than $700 million a year in lost produce and prevention costs.
A group of truffles are shown next to pecans in an orchard. CAES News
Pecan Truffles
Beyond pecans, a commodity originating in Georgia's pecan orchards is exciting growers and chefs alike: truffles.
Calvin Sims, a community gardener from Lithonia, delivers a soil sample to UGA soil scientist Jason Lessl at the Healthy Soil, Healthy Community festival. CAES News
Fall Soil Testing
Even experienced gardeners often put off testing their soil, but a basic soil test from University of Georgia Cooperative Extension can provide a wealth of information and help to ensure better results from all those hours spent planting, weeding and harvesting.
While isolated areas of Georgia saw more rain than normal, the vast majority of the state received 1 to 3 inches less rain than normal during September 2015. CAES News
September Climate
Despite Georgians’ constant umbrella use of late, most of September 2015 was actually drier than normal.
Pecans on the ground in an orchard on the University of Georgia Tifton campus. CAES News
Pecan Crop
There will be between 110 and 120 million pounds of pecans harvested this season, University of Georgia Cooperative Extension pecan specialist Lenny Wells estimates, making this year’s Georgia pecan crop the best he’s seen in the last three years.