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Founding members of the National Initiative for Consumer Horticulture include (l-r) Suzi McCoy (Garden Media Group), Ellen Bauske (University of Georgia), Gail Langellotto (Oregon State University) Tom Bewick (USDA-NIFA), Casey Scale (American Public Gardens Association) Pam Bennett (The Ohio State University), Julie Weisenhorn (Minnesota State University) and Debbie Hamrick (North Carolina Farm Bureau Federation). CAES News
NICH Meeting
A new national initiative encourages consumers to add plants to their homes and landscapes for the health benefits plants provide.
Titan, a newly released University of Georgia blueberry variety, produces much larger berries than traditional blueberry plants. CAES News
Blueberry Month
Harvest season for blueberries in Georgia runs from mid-April through July, and strawberry season is March through July. Add Georgia-grown blueberries to your diet in July, National Blueberry Month.
Events, like this Halloween celebration at the Healthy Life Community Garden in Griffin, Georgia, bring the public into community gardens. To help ensure a garden's long lifespan, it must be visible to people outside the group of garden supporters, says University of Georgia community garden expert Becky Griffin. CAES News
Garden Promotion
A community garden is much more than raised beds and vegetables. The garden builds a sense of community. University of Georgia Cooperative Extension offers tips to help your garden reach its full potential.
August 8, University of Georgia Cooperative Extension will host a tour of four northeast Georgia vineyards, focusing on the cultivation practices and grape varieties that have made Georgia's burgeoning wine industry possible. CAES News
Vineyard Tour
Georgia’s wine industry has surged in size and popularity over the past decade, but this success didn’t happen overnight.
Pictured is the muscadine variety 'Hall'. CAES News
Muscadine Conference
With the end of summer drawing near, Georgia’s muscadine harvest season is right around the corner.
Cantaloupes being grown at UGA-Tifton. CAES News
University of Georgia scientists are assisting in a study to find a cantaloupe variety with less netting on the rind in the hopes that the fruit will be less susceptible to the bacteria or pathogens that settle in the netting on the outside of the fruit.
Greenhouse and nursery growers from across the southeastern United States converged in Athens June 12-15 for the inaugural Academy of Crop Production hosted by the UGA Department of Horticulture. Part of the program included the annual Industry Open House at the Trial Gardens at UGA. CAES News
Trial Gardens Open House
Flowers are blooming, bees are buzzing, and workers and volunteers are pruning, watering and collecting data on annuals and perennials at the Trial Gardens at the University of Georgia. Trial Gardens staff will open the facility to the public at their annual open house on Saturday, July 21, from 8 a.m. until noon. 
Live from the Lab CAES News
Live from the Lab
This fall the University of Georgia College of Agricultural and Environmental Sciences is opening the labs of some its most distinguished researchers to students and science fans across the state. 
Dougherty County Extension Coordinator James Morgan teaches Radium Springs Elementary school students how to plant fall vegetables. Morgan has been instrumental in the establishment of school gardens at 13 of the 14 elementary schools in Dougherty County. CAES News
School Gardens
There are more than 2,000 schools in Georgia, and about 25 percent of these have school gardens. These gardens are true outdoor classrooms where students learn about history, geography, math and literature. 
Poison ivy grows up a tree in Jackson, Ga. CAES News
Poison Ivy
Poison ivy is one of gardeners’ most dreaded landscape weeds, and it is growing and thriving now. If you have ever experienced the red, itchy, blistery rash that comes from being in contact with this weed, then you understand gardeners’ disdain for this plant.