I am retired and my research and that of my former graduate students and post-docs (Entomology and Ecology) included research in several areas of stream ecology, such as: evaluating the effects of various land use practices on stream ecosystems; effects of watershed, food and nutrient manipulations on stream ecosystems; and, effects of anthropogenic disturbances, stream size gradients, and local geomorphology on invertebrate community structure and secondary production. Our studies also included: the long-term manipulation of stream resource bases (terrestrial litter inputs) to assess linkages between streams and adjacent forests with aquatic invertebrate community structure and production; effects of invertebrates on processing terrestrial inputs and long-term dynamics of particulate organic and inorganic export from headwater streams (with Drs. S. Eggert, J. L. Meyer and J. R. Webster); and, effects of nutrient enrichment of headwater streams on ecosystem processes, including secondary production (with Dr. A. Rosemond, et al.).

Selected Publications

Eggert, S.L., and J.B. Wallace. 2001. Reduced detrital resources limit Pycnopsyche gentiles (Trichoptera: Limnephilidae) production and growth. North American Benthological Society: 22(3): 388-400. PDF

Roy, A.H., Rosemond, A.D., Leigh, D.S., Paul, M.J., Wallace, J.B. 2003. Habitat-Specific Responses of Stream Insects to Land Cover Disturbance: Biological Consequences and Monitoring Implications, 22(2):292-307 PDF

Cross, W.F., J.P. Benstead, A.D. Rosemond, and J.B. Wallace. 2003. Consumer-resource stoichiomentry in detritus-based streams. Ecology Letters. 6: 721-732. PDF

Eggert, S., Wallace, J. 2003. Reduced detrital resources limit Pycnopsyche gentilis (Trichoptera: Limnephilidae) production and growth. The North American Benthological Society, 22(3):388-400 PDF

Eggert, S.L., and J.B. Wallace. 2003. Litter breakdown and invertebrate detritivores in a resource-depleted Appalachian stream. Archiv fur Hydrobiologie: 156(3): 315-338. PDF

Johnson, B.J., W.F. Cross, and J.B. Wallace. 2003. Long-term resource limitation reduces insect detritivore growth in a headwater stream. Journal of the North American Benthological Society. 22(4): 565-574. PDF

Cross, W.F., B.R. Johnson, J.B. Wallace, and A.D. Rosemond. 2005. Contrasting response of stream detritivores to long-term nutrient enrichment. Limnology and Oceanography. 50(6): 1730-1739. PDF

Hutchens, J.J. Jr., J.B. Wallace, and E.D. Romaniszyn. 2005. Role of Podostemum ceratophyllum Michx. in structuring benthic macroinvertebrate assemblages in a southern Appalachian river. Journal of the North American Benthological Society. 23(4): 713-727. PDF

Johnson, B.J., and J.B. Wallace. 2005. Bottom-up limitation of a stream salamander in a detritus-based food web. Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences. 62: 301-311.PDF

Wilcox, H.S., J.B. Wallace, J.L. Meyer, and J.P. Benstead. 2005. Effects of labile carbon addition on a headwater stream food web. American Society of Limnology and Oceanography. 50(4): 1300-1312. PDF

Cross, W.F., J.B. Wallace, A.D. Rosemond, and S.L. Eggert. 2006. Whole-system nutrient enrichment increases secondary production in a detritus-based ecosystem. Ecology. 87(6): 1556-1565. PDF

Johnson, B.R., Wallace, J.B., Rosemond, A.D., Cross, W.F. 2006. Larval salamander growth responds to enrichment of a nutrient poor headwater stream. Hydrobiologia, 573: 227-232.PDF

Cross, W., Wallace, J., Rosemond, A. 2007. Nutrient enrichment reduces constraints on material flows in a detritus-based food web. Ecology, 88(10): 2563-2575. PDF

Eggert, S.L., Wallace, J.B. 2007. Wood biofilm as a food resource for stream detritivores. Limnology and Oceanography, 52(3): 1239-1245. PDF

Entrekin, S.A., J.B. Wallace, and S.L. Eggert. 2007. The response of Chironomidae (Diptera) to a long-term exclusion of terrestrial organic matter. Hydrobiologia. 575: 401-413. PDF

Greenwood, J.L., Rosemond, A.D., Wallace, J.B., Cross, W.F., Weyers, H.S. 2007. Nutrients stimulate leaf breakdown rates and detritivore biomass: bottom-up effects via heterotrophic pathways. Oecologia, 151:637-649. PDF

Meyer, J.L., D.L. Strayer, J.B. Wallace, S.L. Eggert, G.S. Helfman, and N.E. Leonard. 2007. The Contribution of Headwater Streams to Biodiversity in River Networks. Journal of the American Water Resources Association (JAWRA). 43(1): 86-103. PDF

Romaniszyn, E.D., J.J. Hutchens Jr., and J.B. Wallace. 2007. Aquatic and terrestrial invertebrate drift in southern Appalachian mountain streams: implications for trout food resources. Freshwater Biology. 52: 1-11. PDF

Benstead, J., Rosemond, A., Cross, W., Wallace, J., Eggert, S., Suberkropp, K., Gulis, V., Greenwood, J., Tant, C. 2009. Nutrient enrichment alters storage and fluxes of detritus in a headwater stream ecosystem. Ecology, 90(9):2556-2566. PDF

Davis, J.M., Rosemond, A.D., Eggert, S.L., Cross, W.F., Wallace, J.B. 2009. Long-term nutrient enrichment decouples predator and prey production. PNAS, 107: 121-126. PDF

Wallace, J., Eggert, S. 2009. Benthic Invertebrate Fauna, Small Streams. Encyclopedia of Inland Waters, 2: 173-190. PDF

Wallace, J.B. and S.L. Eggert. 2009. Terrestrial and longitudinal linkages of headwater streams. In Canaan Valley and its Environs: A Landscape Heritage Celebration. Canaan Valley Institute, Davis, West Virginia. http://www.canaanvi.org/canaanvi_web/uploa. PDF

Davis, J. M., A. D. Rosemond, S. L. Eggert, W. F. Cross, and J. B. Wallace. 2010. Nutrient enrichment differentially affects body sizes of primary consumers and predators in a detritus-based stream. Limnology and Oceangraphy, 55(6): 2305-2316. PDF

Ely, D. T. and J. B. Wallace. 2010. Long-term functional group recovery of lotic macroinvertebrates from logging disturbance. Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences, 67: 1126-1134. PDF

Romito, A. M., S. L. Eggert, J. M. Diez, and J. B. Wallace. 2010. Effects of seasonality and resource limitation on organic matter turnover by Chironomidae (Diptera) in southern Appalachian headwater streams. Limnology and Oceanography, 55(3): 1083-1092. PDF

Eggert, S.L., Wallace, J.B., Meyer, J.L. and Webster, J. 2012. Storage and export of organic matter in a headwater stream: responses to long-term detrital manipulations. Ecosphere. 3:75. (DOI: doi.org/10.1890/ES12-00061.1) PDF

Wallace, J.B. and Ely, D.T. 2014. Stream macroinvertebrate response to clearcut logging. Pages 177-193 in: Swank, W. T. and J. R. Webster (eds). Long-term response of a forest watershed ecosystem. Clearcutting in the southern Appalachians. Oxford University Press, New York. 247pp. 

Wallace, J. B., S. L. Eggert, J. L. Meyer, and J. R. Webster. 2015. Stream invertebrate productivity linked to forest subsidies: 37 stream years of reference and experimental data. Ecology. In press.    

Benke, A. C. and J. B. Wallace. 2015.  Trophic basis of a Coastal Plain river; amorphous detritus fuels production dominance by snag invertebrates. Freshwater Biology. In press

See Also

• Complete Curriculum Vitae